Chapter 63

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Part 63


*Few Days Later*

"You don't love me 'cause I'm beautiful, oh no, my baby my baby my baby my baby, I'm beautiful cause you love me..."

A few days had passed and now it had been a little over a week since the incident with Lily. Since then, she and Garry had been working on their relationship. Since they would be having some time off, they were heading to New York with Cheryl and Tre. However, they would be keeping to themselves so Cheryl and Tre could be alone.

Cheryl and Tre were growing more and more inseparable as the days went on. They were always out together or chilling out in Cheryl's house, watching films. Tre even tagged along to rehearsals to watch Cheryl, and had also come along to the Beautiful Cause You Love Me video set with her.

Tonight was Children In Need, so of course the girls were happy to perform there. It was their first performance in three years so it was exciting. All of their boyfriends had been right there in the audience so that made it all the more special.

"Ladies and gentleman, Girls Aloud!" they announced as everyone cheered. The girls smiled, huddling together on the stage. Cheryl caught Tre's eye and smiled wider as he winked at her. She then looked at Sarah, who had seen them both and was now giving Cheryl a cheeky grin. Cheryl giggled a bit and squeezed her waist before looking to the hosts that were interviewing them. After the interview, the girls went off backstage.

"That was a bit emotional, girls." Kimberley said as they went into the dressing room.

"It was. I'm glad we're back though." Nadine said, looking around at her girls. They all giggled together and carried on gossiping as they changed into tracksuit bottom and vest tops. 

"Right when are you off on this holiday then Chez?" Sarah asked. Cheryl thought for a second.

"Day after tomorrow and I haven't even packed yet. He's nearly packed and I haven't even started; shame I know. No but you want to know what's exciting?" she asked. 

"What?" Nicola wondered. Cheryl giggled a bit, sitting down onto the chair and kicking off her shoes.

"Right Tre came to me a couple days ago and asked if I still wanted to go to New York right; well I told him yeah so then e sighed and went on to warn me that there's a hurricane coming to New York; like it'll be there when we're there..." she explained, looking around at the stunned faces of her girls.

"I've never been through one so I'm actually kind of fascinated, so we're still going to New York." she finished.

"Girls she's lost it." Nadine said, giggling a bit. They all agreed, laughing. Cheryl shrugged slightly, poking her tongue out.

"Shut up, cheeky ones." she said. The girls all laughed and changed into their clothes before packing up their stuff. They grabbed their bags then wandered out, meeting their boys in the hallway.

"Why don't we all have big group date night one time, after them two lovebirds get back?" Charlie suggested, nodding his head at Cheryl and Tre. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah good chance for the rest of us to get to know Tre a bit more." Justin added, patting Tre on the back. They all laughed a bit and said their goodbyes before leaving out...



Tre heard the thick Geordie accent echo through the house later in the night. It was getting late and he'd been downstairs watching TV while Cheryl was upstairs sorting out her clothing for their getaway.

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