Chapter Twenty One

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Later in the evening, after the performance and everything, everyone was back at the hotel. However, after talking with Lily, Cheryl and Tre had convinced her to look into getting them a flight for that night instead of the following day. They had a bit of free time, so why not go early?

"Chez, babe you done packing?" Tre asked as he wandered into the bedroom. She looked up, smiling as she zipped up her suitcase.

"Yeah I am. Are you?" she asked. He nodded, wandering up to her and kissing her lips gently.

"Come on...flight leaves in an hour." he said. She giggled slightly, moving so he could take her suitcase for her. She then looked around; her make-up was packed up, her hair products were packed up...everything was ready. 

With that, she threw the remainder of her stuff into her handbag, then tied her hair up into a bun. She grabbed her handbag and wandered out into the living room part of the hotel room. 

"I'm ready to go." she giggled, looking on as Lily came out of her bedroom. She opened her arms, making Lily smile as she gave her a big hug.

"Come on, I'll go with you guys to the airport." she said, wandering out of the room with them. They went to the lift and got in, going down to the first floor. Lily led them round to the back where their car was waiting, so they could slip away without being seen by the paparazzi. 

"Alright have a safe trip." Lily said as Tre put the bags into the boot of the car. Cheryl smiled, hugging her assistant as tight as she could.

"Will do. I'll text you once we land." she said. Lily smiled, squeezing her again before letting go.

"Love you lots, doughnut." she winked. 

"Love you more, numpty." Cheryl winked back. Lily laughed, watching as they got into the car. She gave them a final wave before wandering back off into the hotel as their car sped off down the road...


Once at the airport, Cheryl and Tre got their tickets and passports checked, then sat down in the waiting area as they had a bit before their flight was called. A few people noticed them as they sat down, but no one said a word. It was nice to see Cheryl happy, so they were just leaving her to it.

"How long is our flight going to be?" she asked, looking up at him. Tre thought for a second, thinking.

"About seven hours I do believe. See, we're flying into Philadelphia, and my mom and sister are gonna meet us there and take us up to where I'm from...Burlington." he explained. Cheryl nodded.

"Hm..I'm scared." she giggled, leaning her head on his shoulder. He laughed, kissing her forehead.

"It'll be okay." he said. Soon enough, their flight was called so the couple got up and grabbed hands, wandering through the gate to their plane...


A few hours later, the couple had both just woken up from a nap, so they were just relaxing now. Tre was reading a book, while Cheryl was listening to her iPod, writing some random lyrics. She glanced at Tre and smiled to herself, before continuing to add on to the lyrics she'd come up with..


You came at the right time

You made me smile

Made me laugh

Picked me up when I was down

Turned my whole world around

Made me rethink my plan

To not fall in love

You changed me baby

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