Chapter 39

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Part 39


Later in the night, Cheryl was fast asleep while Tre was sitting up in bed, watching her sleep and watching TV. He saw something light up out of the corner of his eye, so he looked over to see what it was; Cheryl's phone. He didn't think much if it, thinking the light would just fade out. However, it kept flashing, so he reached over and grabbed it. It was a two part text message from some number that wasn't saved in the phone. He frowned slightly, knowing he shouldn't read it, but letting curiosity get the best of him. He hit the button, opening the message.

<<Hey Chez. It's Ashley, using my brother's phone. Look I am so sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I'm sorry for cheating, I'm sorry for the humiliation, I'm sorry I made you cry, I'm sorry for the thing on twitter, I'm sorry for every little thing. You know I care about you so much and it's just so hard seeing that you've moved on. I guess I deserve to suffer though, like I made you suffer :/ I'm really sorry though and I know this probably doesn't mean much now, but I'm finally ready to tell you why I cheated. to me. I just want us to be at least friends. I can't not talk to you. Please Cheryl? Please?>>

"What you still doing awake?"

Tre looked, seeing Cheryl smiling sleepily at him.

"I couldn't sleep." he replied, before twiddling with her phone and going, "Your phone flashed and all that. Here you go."

She frowned slightly and took her phone, seeing the open message on the screen. Tre had read her message? She looked at the number, not recognizing it. However, she read the message anyway, frowning even more.

"Too late." she mumbled, throwing her phone across the room. She then turned to Tre, who was looking down.

"Baby." she spoke softly, putting her hand on his shoulder. He didn't reply, he just kept looking down.

"Tre, baby please look at me." she said, her eyes filling up. He looked over at her, sighing.

"Don't be mad at me." she spoke again.

"I'm not mad at you sweetheart, I'm just, I don't know. Chez, has he ever apologized to you?" he asked. She shook her head.

"No. But it doesn't even matter now. You're what matters." she told him, putting her other hand on his arm.

"But don't you want to know?" he asked. Cheryl bit her lip, shaking her head.

"If it was two years ago, then of course I would've loved to have known just so I could cry the last of the feelings out, but it's over and I've just decided that maybe I just don't need to know." she replied.

"Baby you might need to know though, just to have complete closure." he said. She frowned slightly.

"Hmm." she mumbled, getting up and grabbing her phone. She then sat back down on the bed and pulled her knees up, finally replying to the text.

<<Cheryl: You've got one chance, one text. Why did you cheat?>>

She put her phone down and took Tre's hand, holding it tightly in her hand. He lifted her hand and kissed it, stroking it gently with his thumb.

"You're finally getting an answer." he said.

"It won't matter though. Two years ago it would have but now it doesn't. I don't feel anything for him anymore; I found a perfect man, someone that's better than him in every single way." she pouted.

"Are you being stubborn or acting like you don't want to hear it?" he asked, raising an eyebrow, smiling a bit. She bit her lip, giggling slightly.

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