Chapter 78

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Part 78


Later on, the snow had started falling over New Jersey, much to Cheryl's excitement as she loved the snow. It snowed in England so it wasn't like she wasn't familiar with it; she just loved it. Tre was laughing at her as she looked out the window, watching the snow fall with a cute look on her face.

"Baby; you're killing me with that face. Why are you so cute?" he asked, wandering up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She giggled, leaning against him.

"Shut up; I'm not cute." she giggled before moving up and kissing his cheek. He smiled, looking back out the window as they saw a car pull up in the drive. It was his grandmother.

"Hey there's Leslie." she said. Tre nodded, kissing her cheek before going outside and helping his grandmother out. Cheryl watched from the window, smiling as they walked up the walkway with cakes in their arms Soon enough, they were inside so Cheryl went to the foyer to meet them.

"Hiya Leslie." she greeted. Leslie smiled, handing the other cake over to Tre before hugging Cheryl tightly.

"Hello honey; you alright?" she asked. Cheryl nodded, smiling.

"I'm good; are you alright?" she asked. Leslie nodded.

"I'm fine honey; excited for Christmas tomorrow. Ah it's my favorite time of year." she said, making Cheryl giggle as they wandered into the kitchen. Tabby was sitting at the table, cutting up cheese for the macaroni and cheese, though she seemed to be eating most of it.

"Tabs; I think you're meant to put the cheese on the plate, then put it in the pan with the macaroni; not eat it." Cheryl smirked, making Tabby look up and pout.

"Girl, I freaking love cheese right now. It's like a guilty pleasure or something." she said, laughing along with her.

"Tabitha Maya Holloway if you keep eating that cheese, I will knock you into next year." Shirley warned. Tabby scowled slightly.

"Yes thank you mother; I really wanted my government name to be out there." she said, rolling her eyes.

"Tabitha, you shouldn't be a smart ass with mom." Tre smirked, knowing how much she hated to be called Tabitha. Tabby threw a piece of cheese at him, making him laugh even more.

"Walter, mom doesn't need you to co-sign, little kiss ass." she replied, rolling her eyes again as she went back to cutting up the cheese.

"Alright; Tabitha Maya and Walter Tremaine, knock it off and watch your mouths. I'm sure Cheryl doesn't have all this in her family." Leslie said. Cheryl laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Wouldn't you like to know." she said, shaking her head as she sat at the table with Tabby.

"Cheryl's a world champion swearer; she's sworn at me so much that it lowers my self-esteem." Tre joked, making them all laugh. Even Cheryl laughed as she rolled her eyes again.

"Now you're lying; I don't swear at you." she said, shaking her head. He smirked, coming over and sitting down with her and Tabby.

"You don't?" he raised an eyebrow. She laughed, shaking her head as she poked his nose.

"I don't; never ever." she winked. He laughed, rolling his eyes. Tabby, Shirley and Leslie were laughing at them.

"Tre leave that girl alone; I'm sure she'll knock you out with one punch." Shirley warned.

"Yeah Tre; I'll knock you out with one punch. Better get lost and stop messing with me." Cheryl added, poking her tongue out. Tre poked her dimples before kissing her forehead and going over to his mother. Cheryl helped Tabby cut up the rest of the cheese, while Leslie went to making the homemade cinnamon buns for tonight. The talking and laughter continued with them genuinely having a nice time preparing the food for the party tonight. Once they were done and after they'd washed their hands, Tabby went upstairs to get a nap in while Leslie and Shirley went to the living room and Cheryl and Tre went to the game lounge.

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