Chapter 90

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Part 90


The ringing of her phone is what woke Cheryl and Tre up the next morning. She groaned loudly and rolled out of Tre's embrace, grabbing her phone from the side, trying to ignore the pounding in her head as she looked at the screen. Her eyes widened a bit as she realized that it was Nicola calling her.

"Hm; hello?" she asked, closing her eyes to block out the light. 'Too much wine.' she thought to herself as Nicola was talking.

"Bella? It's only me. Are you on the way? Me and Sarah and Diney are already here and Kimba just called to say that she was on the way." she explained. Cheryl's eyes widened even more and she sat up slightly. She'd completely forgotten about rehearsals and now she was beyond late.

"sh!t! Oh God babe I totally forgot but I swear to you I will be there in about half an hour. I'm so sorry." she said, rubbing her head as it pounded. She heard Nicola's giggle on the other end and she couldn't help but smile slightly.

"It's okay babe; just hurry up! Lily and Garry must have forgotten too because they didn't even call." she said.

"No I gave Lily the next two days off because of Tyrell being here and such, but Garry; he must have forgotten. We'll be there." Cheryl replied. She then hung up and hopped out of bed, quickly pulling on her dressing gown before going off down the hall. She was headed to Garry's room, but he was coming out of it.

"We're late!" they said at the same time. Cheryl just giggled and shook her head while Garry couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on; we need to go." she said. He nodded, going off into the bathroom while she went back to her room. She went into the bathroom and put the shower on before returning to her room to get her bra and knickers and her clothing. She was so busy rushing around that she didn't notice that Tre was waking up properly now.

"Hm; you off today?" he asked, making her look over. She nodded, sticking her lower lip out.

"I would love to stay here in bed all day but I've got rehearsals, sadly. Might be a bit longer today because of us starting late so just make yourself at home and such." she said. He smiled sleepily at her.

"Okay babe; hey I might just chill today, get some rest and stuff." he said. She nodded, smiling before going off into the bathroom...


After a quick shower, Cheryl got dressed before tying her hair into a messy bun. She put on her locket and her dog tags necklace, then grabbed her phone and her bag before kissing Tre then rushing out with Garry. Once they pulled up at the rehearsal studio, they went inside, only to see the girls sat around in the floor, talking.

"I am so sorry." Cheryl apologized, taking off her sun glasses and dropping them into her bag.

"It's okay cheeseball; we'll let you off because you look like you had a good night." Sarah smirked, making them all giggle. Cheryl was confused so Kimberley stood up and put her arm around her.

"Your neck babe." she pointed out. Cheryl's eyes widened and she went to the mirror to have a look. Sure enough, there was a huge love bite on the side of her neck.

"*Ducking* hell!" she groaned, pulling her hair out of its bun as the girls burst out laughing. She fixed her hair over her shoulder then turned around, scowling.

"*Duck* you; all of you." she pouted, sitting down with them. She pulled out her phone and quickly text Tre.

<<Cheryl: There's a bite the size of Canada on my neck! I hate you -_- xxxx>>

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