Part 5

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Part 95

*Few Days Later*

"Chez; wake up!"

Cheryl jumped awake, feeling even more tired than she was when she went asleep. A few days had passed and now they were in London to start the run of their O2 shows, which were three in a row. Cheryl had started feeling a bit under the weather the day before and now she was feeling even worse. Due to her clogged nose and watery eyes, it had taken her ages to fall asleep and now she was so tired and unwell that she actually had to blink a bit to realize that it was Lily standing over her.

"Lily; get lost." she moaned, covering her head up. Lily sighed, shaking her again.

"But your phone won't shut up and it's nearly one in the afternoon anyway." she said. Cheryl groaned and pushed the covers back a bit before rolling over and picking up her phone.

"How you feeling?" Lily asked.

"Like sh!t." Cheryl replied, sniffling a bit in an attempt to unblock her nose. She coughed a bit, sitting up and looking at her phone. Tre had text her twice; there was one from about two that morning and another one from just now.

<<Tre: Baby girl I'm sorry if I woke you up but Monica's video for Before You Walk Out My Life just went off and I remembered back to when you were singing it on the way to Atlantic City. Just started laughing to myself. :P Xxxx>>

<<Tre: Morning princess! Workshop today and I'm dreading it. How are you feeling? I'll ring you properly on my lunch break Xxxx>>

Cheryl couldn't help but giggle slightly to herself, shaking her head.

"My man needs help." she said, looking up.

"Oh god so does mine. Look at the picture he just sent of him and Kaison." Lily said, showing Cheryl her phone. Cheryl couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head as she saw the picture of Tyrell and his son pulling silly faces.

"Wow; bless them." she said before looking back at her phone as she text Tre back.

<<Cheryl: Morning baby Well afternoon for me I only just woke up; literally feeling like sh!t :/ I need a good cuddle! So you've been up watching Monica videos and giggling to yourself? So sane baby, you are so sane I must admit that was funny though :') Where are you today? Xxxx>>

"You need to eat something before we hit the arena; I talked Hilary into letting you sleep for a while since you aren't well."  Lily said. Cheryl sighed, rolling her eyes.

"*Duck* this tour right now; seriously." she said, getting and pulling out her blue track suit bottoms with LOVE across her bum and PINK down one leg both in white, then pulled out a white vest top and the Tre's other hoodie she had, his hoodie from her tour. Her phone soon beeped, signaling a new message. She grabbed her phone, smiling as she saw a new message.

<<Tre: Aw well afternoon baby oh no my baby; sending cuddles your way. I'm in Boston for today and tomorrow and then heading to Pittsburg on Sunday. How we doing baby; how many days are we down to? Xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Down to 25 days babe; getting there. I miss you so much though :/ xxxx>>

<<Tre: I miss you too but we're getting there. Make sure you take it easy until show time xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: I will; you teach some kids some dance moves today xxxx>>

<<Tre: I will I will Right baby I best get up and get moving I love you so much and I promise I'll call you on my lunch break. Love you princess xxxxx>>

<<Cheryl: I can't wait for that call I love you too baby! Talk later xxxx>>

She put her phone aside and stood up. She grabbed her things and went off to the bathroom, hoping that a hot shower would make her feel better...


Later on, the girls were all at the arena getting ready for the night's show. Lisa was working on Cheryl's hair and Cheryl was trying her hardest not to fall asleep. She was really sleepy and really wanted a nap, despite only having been up for just over four hours now.

She suddenly jumped, hearing her phone ring. She reached over and grabbed it, smiling when she saw who was calling; 'Tre calling'

"Baby!" she greeted, her heart melting as she heard his laugh on the other end.

"Chezzie! How's my baby?" he asked. Cheryl heard laughter and people mimicking Tre in the background and pulled a face.

"Are they picking on you baby?" she asked, laughing a bit. Tre laughed as well.

"Yep baby they are; they're a bunch of kids anyway so whatever.." he said, laughing along with her before continuing; "How you feeling though?"

"Like sh!t; honestly I just want to take a nap." she replied, seeing Lisa pull a scared face in the mirror. She giggled quietly and stuck up her finger as Tre spoke.

"Oh baby; you need to rest tonight seriously. Have you got some medicine and stuff?" he asked.

"Pain reliever, cough drops, tea, vapor rub; I've literally got the whole pharmacy in my bag." she replied, making Tre laugh as he knew she was exaggerating.

"Oh my poor girl; are the girls looking after you?" he asked. Cheryl let out a laugh, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah Tre; definitely.." she rolled her eyes as he laughed again as she carried on talking, "No but seriously, Lily has; they ask if I'm okay but Lily's been with me day and night; not that I'm really asking for anyone to look after me you know."

"Well you know I'd be right there looking after you if I could." he said sincerely, making her smile and scrunch up her nose.

"I know, I know.." she said before looking up as the door opened. She told Tre to hold on then looked up as Lily poked her head in.

"What's up?" she asked as Lisa finished off her hair.

"Delivery for you." she smiled before walking the rest of the way in with a dozen roses. Cheryl gasped.

"Oh my God; from who?" she asked, taking the roses. Lily smirked at her, so Cheryl bit her lip and wedged her phone in between her ear and her shoulder before looking at the card. It read..

'Silly girl;
A dozen roses for my favorite girl. I hope you feel better soon and just know that I'm thinking of you no matter what. I miss you so much and I love you, dimples! PS; Please don't be sick when we're together again; can't have you snotting all over me Jokes; I love you though princess! Have a good run at the O2 and try not to miss me too much
All my love, Tre xxxxxx'

"Tre; oh my God." she giggled, hearing him laughing on the other end.

"Something to make you feel better. You alright?" he asked, hearing her sniffling.

"Yeah baby I'm fine; and I'm not even snotting now; you've made me tear up you little cute softie..." she composed herself before continuing, "God you're so sweet. Seriously thank you because they've really cheered me up."

"It's okay princess; if I cuddle you to make you feel better then flowers are the next best thing." he replied, making her smile even move as she smelled the flowers as best she could through her clogged nose.

"I can smell them a tiny tiny bit; thank you so much baby." she said, trying to ignore Lily and Lisa, who were talking quietly and glancing at her with smiles on their faces every now and again. They carried on chatting for a bit longer, until Hilary poked her head in and said that Cheryl needed to start getting dressed. Cheryl sighed slightly before signaling for Hilary, Lily, and Lisa to go ahead, so she could say bye to Tre and cry really quickly if she needed to.

"Twenty-five more days right?" she said quietly, feeling the tears well up already.

"Twenty-five days baby; we're getting there." he sighed, wishing they didn't have to go. She sniffled, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

"I love you." she said quietly, biting her lip as she leaned back in her chair.

"I love you too beautiful; and please - I know how you are so don't- over do it tonight and take it easy afterwards." he said.

"I will." she replied. The two then blew kisses at each other before hanging up. Cheryl sighed to herself and wiped her eyes, jumping slightly as Hilary knocked on the door and shouted for her again.

"Cheryl; come on!"

"Okay!" she snapped slightly, rolling her eyes. She locked her phone and threw it down in her bag before getting up and opening her dressing room door. Hilary was standing there, smiling slightly.

"You didn't have to snap, darling." she said. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"I was trying to get myself together; I'm exhausted and feeling like sh!t and missing my boyfriend like crazy and it doesn't help to have you shouting for me when I said before I sent yous out that I'd be out as soon as I was off the phone." she replied before walking off down to the room to get dressed...

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