Chapter 48

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Part 48


"What are you doing here?" she asked, standing in front of Tre, holding his hand. Why was Ashley there now? Why was this happening?

"I'm not here to cause trouble; I was just getting some air and I saw you and wanted to say hi." he replied.

"Well hi, now I have a dinner date so bye." she said, turning around.

"Mum told me she saw you today." he added. Cheryl rolled her eyes and turned around again.

"Yeah, it was really nice seeing her, seeing as I haven't in over a year." she said, tightening her grip on Tre's hand. Ashley looked Tre up and down, taking mental notes. 'Can't compare to me.' he thought to himself.

"Hm, you're the new bloke then?" he asked. Tre frowned a bit.

"The name's Tre." he said. Ashley rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he muttered before looking at Cheryl, "I miss you. Can we be friends, at least?"

Cheryl just rolled her eyes, turning back to Tre, who was looking at Ashley as if he could kill him. Cheryl didn't like this one bit; she didn't want to talk to Ashley right now, but she knew that his presence was enough to p!ss Tre off.

"Baby let's go, we've got dinner. Lils and Garry are waiting." she said. She held his arm and went to walk away, when she felt Ashley grab her arm and yank her back towards him. Tre pulled Cheryl away from him and stepped in front of her so that he and Ashley were face to face.

"You had your chance man, and you blew it. Touch her again and you'll have me to deal with; got it?" he warned. Ashley just glared at him.

"She belongs with me." he said.

"You lost her when you broke her heart." he said. Ashley didn't say anything else, he just glared at him. Cheryl reached up and grabbed Tre's arm, tugging slightly.

"Let's go babes, come on." she said. Tre took a final look at Ashley, then wrapped his arm around her and walked off. As they were heading towards the exit, Ashley spoke once more.

"You're still mine, Cheryl. You still have my last name, you still have my tattoo. You'll always be mine." he said. Cheryl turned and stuck a finger up at him, then took Tre's hand and walked off...


During the ride to the restaurant and throughout half of the double date, Cheryl had been relatively silent, only speaking when she was asked about something. She just couldn't shake the encounter with Ashley from her mind. What had he been doing in that hotel in the first place? Was his sudden pop up at the hotel linked to her run in with Sue at Starbucks? Was Ashley trying to ruin her happiness with Tre. All of these questions were running through her mind, giving her a slightly headache. She wrapped her fingers around her wine glass and lifted it to her lips, taking a small sip before returning it to it's spot on the table. Lily had noticed how silent she was, so she gently tapped her leg under the table, with her foot, making her look up.

"What?" she mouthed.

"Okay?" Lily mouthed back. Cheryl shrugged before looking back at her food. She poked at it with her fork, biting her lip. She wasn't hungry anymore; she was just thinking.

"Okay baby?" Tre asked, whispering. She nodded, before pecking his lips, smiling slightly.

"I'm good, just kinda full." she said, stroking his hand that was resting on her thigh. He kissed her forehead then went on to talking to Garry and Lily. Cheryl pulled her phone out, deciding to text Kimberley.

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