Chapter 61

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Part 61


Cheryl couldn't think straight. All she could do was sit there with her mouth open, in complete shock. Tre stroked her thigh, wondering what was going on.

"Baby what's up?" he murmured before kissing her neck. She wriggled away from him, sitting up properly as she held the sheets over herself. 

"You did what?!" she shouted down the phone.

"Cheryl I'm sorry, it was a mistake and-" she was saying but Cheryl cut her off.

"No no; don't you *Ducking* apologize! Lily, what the hell?! I don't give a sh!t that you were drunk, you still did it and now you're gonna have to tell Garry, my brother! I swear to God if my brother does anything crazy because of this, I'll never forgive you; and don't give me any of that mistake sh!t either because Ashley told me the same thing, so I hate hearing that! Now how's about you go tell Garry and pray that he doesn't do anything stupid!" she shouted. Lily was talking again but Cheryl hung up. She ran her fingers through her hair before looking over at Tre, who was looking back at her.

"I've never heard you explode like that. Jesus baby what happened?" he asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Lily slept with Tyrell." she mumbled. Tre's eyes went wide.

"What the hell?" he asked.

"A drunken mistake apparently." she replied, rolling her eyes. She took a deep breath and counted to ten, then hopped out of bed. Tre watched her, his eyes nearly popping out of his head as she walked to the bathroom, completely naked.

"Stop staring." she said, shutting the door behind her. Tre just laughed, laying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling...


Later in the day, Cheryl and Tre were having cuddles and watching TV together on the sofa. The dogs were running back and forth between the living room and the kitchen, chasing each other around. Cheryl hadn't thought anymore about what Lily had told her that morning, which was a good thing because it was only gonna p!ss her off again.

"Your dogs are just like you; weird." he joked. She pouted slightly, smacking his cheek.

"Watch it, mister! I'm not weird." she defended herself, poking her tongue out. He laughed, nudging her. 

"Cheryl, I've known you for about two years. You're weird." he winked. She laughed, shaking her head. The dogs came running back in, jumping up onto the sofa. Buster curled up beside Tre and Coco curled up in Cheryl's lap.

"Buster's a bit clingy when it comes to you." she giggled, nudging him gently. Tre couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't hate because we've become best friends." he said, gently stroking Buster's fur. The dog closed his eyes, loving the attention. 

"Hey, how's about we take these two for a walk through the park?" she suggested. He nodded, standing up and picking Buster up as he did so. He placed him on the ground with Coco, then watched as Cheryl came back with their leashes. She strapped their leashes to them then handed one to Tre.

"Off we go." she smiled. He smiled back, holding her hand as they wandered out together...


After an hour of walking and talking in the park, Cheryl and Tre sat themselves down under a tree, watching as Coco and Buster ran around, chasing reach other around in a circle. Cheryl giggled at them, getting more and more amused. 

"God I love those dogs; they're proper entertaining." she laughed, making Tre laugh as well. He then draped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

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