Chapter 99

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Part 99


Later on, Cheryl and Tre were back at the villa. They'd watched films for a bit, but then the teasing started and before they knew it, they'd sunk under the sheets and were making love again. Now, they were cuddled up again, watching TV in bed, still naked.

"I always cry at this film." she sighed slightly as they watched A Walk To Remember.

"Cheryl, you cry at everything." he joked, making her pout as she hit his chest.

"Oh okay, says the guy that openly admitted to watching Bambi, Toy Story, and Monster's Inc. and crying at them all; okay Tre." she said, running her nails down his chest.

"Don't forget The Lion King." he pointed out, making her giggle as she poked his chest.

"Nice to know you don't mind having a good cry sometimes." she smirked, making him laugh.

"Hell no I don't; makes me more of a man if I'm not afraid to cry." he said. She burst straight out laughing, shaking her head.

"Oh yeah? That makes you more of a man?" she smirked, sliding her hand down over his six pack. He watched her, his breathing starting to get heavier.

"Wh-what you doing?" he asked. She smirked, sliding her hand down to the bottom of his stomach.

"You know what really makes you my perfect man?" she asked.

"Enlighten me." he replied. He suddenly gasped as she rubbed her hand over him, smirking as she did so. He grabbed her and pulled her on top of him, laying back against the pillows.

"Woman you are a tease." he smirked, making her giggle as she kissed him again. She moaned into his mouth as he pushed into her, making him smile as she started rolling her hips against his...

...And about an hour later, she screamed as they climaxed together, both now feeling even more satisfied and exhausted. Cheryl climbed off of him lay down, instantly cuddling into him, making him smile even more.

"Baby, you're actually the best." he said, breathing heavily along with her. She smiled, cuddling into him. She then groaned out loud as his phone started ringing. He rolled over and grabbed it but Cheryl took it off him.

"Don't you dare." she giggled. He laughed, grabbing her arm and taking his phone back.

"Dammit Cheryl; it's only Tabby." he chuckled before answering it, "Hello?"

"Hey big head; I need your opinion on something." Tabby replied, making Tre roll his eyes..

"Oh okay Tabs; never mind the simple fact that I'm chilling with my girlfriend that I haven't seen for a month, but go on then." he said, making her scoff while Cheryl cuddled into him, laughing her head off at them.

"You know what *Female Dog*; no need to be a sassy ass. Anyway, help me!" she said.

"Can you ask a little bit nicer?" he replied, loving the fact that he was winding her up. He knew that she was getting annoyed because he heard her groan on the other end.

"Walter Tremaine Holloway the third, I will kill you when I see you; for *Duck*'s sake! Now-" she was saying before he cut her off, knowing that he was winding her up even more.

"Tabitha Maya Holloway, watch your mouth; you've got my niece or nephew in your stomach and he or she might pick up them words." he said before bursting straight out laughing. Tabby just groaned again, making Tre laugh even more.

"*Duck* you Tre, seriously you're the worst brother ever! Where's Cheryl? She'll help me! Put her on the phone!" she demanded, making Tre laugh even more than he already was.

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