Chapter Six

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Later in the evening, Lily still wasn't back from dinner so Tre and Cheryl were still alone. Now, they were in Cheryl's room laying on the bed supposed to be watching TV, but the two seemed to be more interested in each other.

"No bites." she giggled slightly as Tre slowly kissed and sucked at her neck. He laughed a bit, pulling away slightly.

"Only a little one." he said before kissing her neck again. She stroked the back of his head, tilting her head to the side. He slipped his hands under her top, resting them on her bare back. Cheryl jumped slightly as his hands were a bit cold.

"Your hands are cold." she giggled. He chucked slightly, moving his lips up to meet her own. He kissed her deeply, moving his hand to her hair. She put her arms around him, one hand on his head, the other on his back. 

"Mm, baby." she mumbled against his lips. He smiled, pulling away slightly.

"Alright?" he asked, stroking her hip with his thumb. She nodded, her arms still around him.

"I'm great baby. I was really enjoying them kisses to be honest." he said. He smirked at her.

"Hmm, I was enjoying them too. Nice lips you've got there, Miss Tweedy." he said, leaning towards her again. She giggled, pecking his lips.

"You've got some nice lips too." she grinned, leaning up a bit more. She undid the buttons on his shirt before rolling it off of his shoulders. He dropped it to the floor before looking back at her, wrapping his strong arms around her. She giggled slightly, running her fingers down his six pack. He just laughed, watching her.

"You love that don't you?" he asked. She nodded, pecking his lips again.

"Yes I do. You're so hot, it's almost unreal actually." she giggled, going a bit shy. He laughed, standing up and holding out his arms. She stood up as well, putting her arms around his neck. She then pecked his lips, giving him a sexy smile.

"I'll be two minutes." she grinned, going off to her en suite bathroom. She searched through her bag in there and pulled out her light blue lace bra and matching tiny light blue lace knickers, deciding to wear them because she knew that blue was his favorite color. She changed into the underwear, then put on some clear lip gloss and a bit of eyeliner, then pulled on her silk dressing gown that stopped a bit past her bum. She pulled her hair out of her pony tail and ran her fingers through her hair. She took a deep breath, then tied her dressing gown tight and opened the door. Tre was sitting on the bed, still in his jeans with no shirt on. 

"Tre." she spoke softly, making him look up. He smiled at her, watching as she dropped her dressing gown to the floor. 

"" he said, opening his arms. Cheryl gulped a bit, wandering over and standing in front of him, her hands on his shoulders. She hadn't dressed up in the sexy underwear for anyone in a while, not since two months before her and Ashley separated.

"You really like it?" she asked, stroking his cheek. He nodded, standing up and kissing her lips, sliding his arms around her waist.

"I love it baby." he said. He then kissed her nose, resting his hands on her bum. She giggled slightly, standing on her toes and pecking his lips.

"Well hmm, I think I need to get you out of these clothes, Mr. Holloway." she whispered, pushing him back onto the bed and sitting on him. He smiled at her, stroking her sides.

"Go on Miss Tweedy." he said. She giggled, leaning down and pecking his lips before moving her hands to his jeans. She undid then and pulled them down before dropping them to the floor, leaving him in just his boxers.

"You're so sexy." she whispered to him, running her hands up to his chest. He put his hands on her waist and leaned up, kissing her gently. She smiled against his lips, opening her mouth slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. After a few seconds, they pulled apart, smiling at each other. 

"Tell the truth, you wrote I Like It and had me in mind?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at her. Cheryl just laughed, shaking her head.

"No, honest I didn't." she said, still grinning. Tre just shook his head, pinching her bum.

"Yeah right." he winked. She giggled, leaning down and kissing him again. He rolled them over so that he was on top before pulling the blankets over them. 

"You're so beautiful." he whispered, leaning down and kissing her neck. She giggled a bit, her hand on the back of his head. He then trailed kisses up to her jaw and finally settling on her lips, tugging slightly at her knickers. She pulled away and smiled at him, nodding. He kissed her nose before pulling her knickers down her legs and tossing them to the floor. She pushed his boxers down before putting her arms back around his neck, pecking his lips. 

"I love you." she spoke softly, staring into his eyes. He smiled, staring into her eyes.

"I love you too, silly girl." he winked, before leaning down and kissing her again...


Later on, Cheryl and Tre got dressed and decided to just watch a film for a bit in the little living room part of the hotel room. They were cuddled up together watching Cheryl's favorite film, 'Ghost', when the door opened. They both looked up, seeing Lily wandering in. However, she looked quite annoyed and she slammed the door once she was in.

"Um, I take it dinner wasn't all that great?" Cheryl asked. Lily just rolled her eyes, wandering off to her room and slamming the door behind her.

"What's with her?" Tre asked. Cheryl shrugged slightly. She leaned in and pecked his lips before standing up.

"I'll go see." she said, going off to Lily's bedroom...

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