Chapter 71

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Part 71


Later in the day, Tre and Tyrell had a last minute meeting with their agents so Cheryl was left in the apartment by herself. She was sitting cross legged on the sofa, eating some left over Chinese food from the night before whilst watching TV. She was completely into the show when her phone buzzed, breaking her concentration. She frowned and looked at the screen, seeing a new text from Garry.

<<Garry: Hey sis! You coming to the hotel tonight? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Bro! Urm I don't know; I'll see after the game or whatever Why? Xx>>

<<Garry: Just wondering I might meet yous at the game so drop a pass off here before you go yeah? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Hmm...aye alright then. You alright? Xx>>

<<Garry: I'm good sis! Chillax! Possibly see you tonight yeah? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: See ya then Xx>>

Cheryl frowned slightly. She was worried for her brother. Hmm; maybe she could get Tre to talk to him tonight?

"Baby, we're back."

She looked up, smiling as se saw Tre and Tyrell walking in. She put her phone into her pocket and went up to Tre, hugging him tightly. He laughed a bit, kissing her cheek.

"Missed you babe. Did you get lonely?" he asked. She nodded, pouting cutely.

"I missed you too; and yes I did. I text Lily for a bit but she was going for a workout, so then I had some leftover Chinese and watched TV and I text Garry. He said to drop him off a ticket before we go." she replied. He kissed her head again, holding her hips.

"Alright then; we'll have to leave early enough to do that. Hey, wanna go to the beach?" he asked, resting his head against hers. Cheryl was about to reply when Tyrell spoke up.

"Damn y'all are quick to act like no one else is around." he joked. Cheryl gave him the evils while Tre just laughed.

"Yo man you can easily go back to your place now; did you call the electric company?" he asked, smiling as he felt Cheryl gently stroking his lower back.

"Nah; I'm gonna do that." he said, pulling out his phone before retreating to the guest bedroom. Tre sat down on the sofa and pulled Cheryl onto his lap, holding his arms around her as she snuggled into him.

"I can't be away from you for long periods of time." he said, stroking her bare thigh. Her pale blue cut offs stopped just halfway to the end of her thigh tattoo so Tre was tracing the tattoo.

"Why not?" she asked, looking up at him.

"Man alright; we were apart today and like, an hour into the meeting I just got so distracted. Everything reminded me of you and all I could do was think about you. I may have spaced out a couple times; you stay on my mind." he smiled before tapping her nose. She giggled, taking his hand and lacing her fingers through his before lightly kissing his lips.

"Aw, you're to cute; so damn soft!" she giggled, stroking his head. He laughed, moving her hand.

"Alright get off; you bring out my soft side." he smirked. She rolled her eyes before kissing him gently, making him smile against her lips. The two were lost in their own little bubble, until they heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. They pulled apart and looked up, seeing Tyrell standing there.

"Lucky for you two, the power's back on at my place so I'll be at home tonight." he smirked, making the couple laugh a bit.

"I was gonna go back to the hotel tonight anyway." Cheryl said, making Tre look at her. She squeezed his shoulder and pecked his lips.

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