Chapter 79

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Part 79



Tre jumped awake as Cheryl had jumped onto him and shouted his name. He breathed heavily, watching her as she sat on him and giggled loudly.

"It's not nice to jump on people and wake them up." he joked as he calmed down. She laughed, shaking her head.

"But it's Christmas morning; it's perfect acceptable to do this." she said, stroking her finger down his nose. He grabbed her waist, rolling them over so that he was on top. She squealed with laughter, gripping her legs around her waist. He swooped his head into her neck, blowing raspberries, making her giggle loudly.

"Stop!" she laughed, holding onto his shoulders. He lifted his head and kissed her over and over, making her laugh against his lips.

"Merry...Christmas...silly..girl." he said, kissing her between each word. She laughed some more, stroking the back of his head as he kissed him deeply.

"Merry Christmas baby." she smiled, touching her nose to his. He smiled, pecking her lips again before getting up and pulling on his joggers and a shirt. He then held out his hands, making her smile as she took his hands and allowed him to pull her up. She pulled on her dressing gown, then held his hand as they went off downstairs. Shirley and Leslie were having coffee while Tabby was eating a doughnut and having orange juice.

"Merry Christmas." Cheryl giggled, bouncing into the kitchen. Shirley and Leslie looked up, smiling.

"Merry Christmas, honey. You're too cute, just so excited." Leslie said, standing up and giving her a hug. Cheryl giggled, hugging her back.

"It's my favorite holiday ever." she said as they pulled apart. She then went round to Tabby and ruffled her hair, making the younger girl laugh.

"Purpose of that was?" she raised an eyebrow. Cheryl shrugged, sitting down beside her as Tre got them some coffee.

"Doughnut for breakfast, eh?" she asked, nodding her head. Tabby nodded, laughing as she took another bite out of the massive doughnut.

"Don't judge me; baby wants a doughnut." she winked, making Cheryl laugh. Tre was laughing as well as he sat down at the table with coffee for himself and Cheryl.

"Does the baby want one or does Tabby want one?" he asked. Tabby pouted, poking her tongue out as she took another bite.

"Tabby might want it a bit more; oh shut up." she rolled her eyes, resting her chin on her palm. Tre laughed, shaking his head as he took a sip of coffee. Cheryl's phone started buzzing from the charging station so she got up and grabbed it, looking at the screen.

"Aw; a text from my mam." she smiled, reading the message;

<<Mam: Merry Christmas pet! We miss you <3 Hope you and Tre are having a lovely holiday in America! Send everyone our love xx>>

And attached to the message was a picture of the whole family together. The kids had their presents in their laps, their faces showing joy as they all smiled at the camera. Cheryl couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit sad. She had never ever missed a Christmas with her family, not even when she was down and depressed in 2010. She missed her nieces and nephews, seeing their smiling faces as they opened presents.

"Erm, my mam says Merry Christmas and all that." she smiled, sitting down at the table. Everyone smiled and said Merry Christmas back, making Cheryl giggle as she replied to the text;

<<Cheryl: Mam! Hi! I miss you guys too; Merry Christmas to you all! Send everyone my love and I will hopefully see everyone when I'm back. Xx>>

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