Part 91

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Part 91


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now the girls were in Newcastle. Tonight was the first night of the tour, and of course they were all excited as it had been just too long away from touring. This was a bittersweet moment for Cheryl, however. While she was happy that the tour was kicking off and happy to be back in Newcastle, she was sad that in just a few days time, she would be saying 'goodbye' to Tre again and wouldn't be seeing him again until after the tour.

"You two are such a strong couple; being apart all that time and still all close like this. I find it mad. Me and Kerry would go mad if we were apart that long.." Joe said, looking at the couple, who were all cuddled up on the sofa. They had already visited Gillian and baby Noah, and they'd visited her dad and her mum, so now they were visiting Joe and his wife, Kerry.

"Actually; I wouldn't. I need a break from you sometimes." Kerry joked as she wandered back in with their cups of tea. Joe rolled his eyes and poked her arm while Cheryl and Tre just laughed.

"Aw yeah; Joe can be a nightmare sometimes can't he?" Cheryl smirked as Kerry nodded, poking her lower lip out. Joe rolled his eyes while the couple laughed at them.

"Tre, good luck with that little nightmare; she'll run you up a tree." Joe said, making Cheryl pout while Tre just laughed.

"You know; I was wondering why my life isn't peaceful now that I'm over here, and now I know why." he joked back, tickling Cheryl as she hit his chest.

"Oi shut up; I can easily send you home right now." she smirked. He rolled his eyes, poking her sides again.

"Oh yeah okay; I'll just leave now." he replied. She shook her head, sticking her lip out as she leaned into him. Joe and Kerry pulled a face at each other, finding them so cute.

"Oh; I think it's time for us to go." Cheryl pouted, seeing a text on her phone from Kimberley.

"Aw aye; we'll only see you tonight then." Joe said. Cheryl nodded, giving him a thumbs up before standing up with Tre. Hugs were shared between everyone, then the couple went off outside to their waiting car. Lee was standing there, waiting for them.

"Good visit?" he asked as he watched Tre open the door for her. They both nodded, sliding into the back before closing the door.

"Yeah it was nice; we'll see them tonight though." Cheryl replied, snuggling into Tre. Lee nodded as he continued on the road towards the arena for tonight's show so Cheryl could get her hair done. He glanced up at them in the mirror, seeing them snuggled up together and he couldn't help but smile. Cheryl was like a little sister to him and he knew that she'd be miserable once Tre went back. However, they'd just have to make the best of it and hopefully she wouldn't be too bad off...


"Tre; stop it!" Cheryl was giggling hysterically as Lisa was doing her hair later that evening. It was nearly show time and Cheryl was in her dressing room, getting her hair done up for the show. Tre was sitting on the sofa, and Cheryl could see him pulling funny faces at her as she looked at him through the mirror.

"Hey; I'm keeping you entertained right now. You complain about being bored all the time so.." he shrugged before pulling another face, making her giggle again.

"You're such an idiot." she said, smirking. He stuck his lip out, holding his chest as he pretended to be hurt.

"Well that hurt; you just love being mean to me don't you?" he replied, shaking his head. She giggled again; even Lisa had to giggle.

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