Chapter Fifteen

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'I love you...Chez'

She looks up, smiling at him as he wraps his arms tight around her waist. She then stands up on her toes, kissing him slowly and tenderly. He smiles against her lips, his hands roaming over her body as their kiss heats up. She places her hands on the back of his head, gasping as he gently pushes her against the wall. He moves his kisses to her neck, sucking gently at her skin, making her moan as she digs her nails into the back of his neck. His hand is on her thigh, inching under her skirt, making her gasp again.

But something's not right. She can feel it. Something's about to happen. What is it though?

"Tre...wait baby, wait." 

He pulls away from her, looking confused. What's going on?

"What is it, baby?"

"Something..I don't know, but I feel like something's about to go down."

She attempts to push him towards the door, but he won't move. He stands there, keeping his arms around her.

"Baby what are you-"

Just as he's saying this, the front door bursts open. She grips his top, looking on as the dark figure steps into the light. It's him...her ex-husband, Ashley.

"Ash leave me alone!" 

"Not until you're back in my arms."

"I don't want you, I want Tre."


"I want Tre...I want Tre...Leave me alone!" Cheryl was tossing and turning in her sleep, having a bad dream. Tre heard her and opened his eyes, shaking her gently.

"Cheryl..Chez come on babes, wake up." he whispered, stroking her side gently. She soon opened her eyes, looking around the room before looking up at him. He kissed her forehead and pulled her into his arms, gently stroking her back.

"You okay?" he finally asked after a bit. She nodded, not saying anything. She just leaned into him and closed her eyes, breathing in his scent. 

"Yeah." she whispered. He kissed her head again, knowing that she really wasn't but deciding not to press the issue. Instead he just held her in his arms and kissed her again, lightly stroking her arm.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked, running his fingers through her hair. She nodded slightly, shutting her eyes to help herself relax. 

"My dream...Ashley..he..he was in my dream. Me and you were.." she stopped herself and sat up quickly, suddenly feeling like she couldn't breathe. Tre sat up as well and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her forehead.

"It's okay...relax. I'm right here." he whispered, stroking her arms. She took a deep breath and composed herself, then continued.

"Ashley was in my dream. Me and you, we were standing downstairs in my old house, me and Ashley's former marital home, and we were standing against the wall kissing, and he just burst in saying that he wanted me back in his arms. I told him that I didn't want him, that I wanted you, and I was saying to leave me alone. I don't was just really weird..." she stopped for a second, before continuing. 

"Baby, I only dream about him when something's wrong. It's odd, but it happens. The last time I had a dream about him was late last year. It was similar, except I wasn't kissing someone, I was just chilling in the house. Anyway, he burst in and said that he wanted me back and I told him no. I dunno..then I woke up and text him to see if he was alright, and his mam actually rang me and told me that he'd gotten hurt on the pitch and had broken his ankle. Is it okay if I text him, just to make sure he's okay?" she asked.

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