Chapter 23

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"What's that place there?"

Cheryl and Tre had been riding throughout the town for the last hour now, and every few minutes or so Cheryl would ask what a place was and Tre would explain it to her. She loved this; seeing where her man grew up. It was amazing to see it, and she personally couldn't wait for her chance to show him around Newcastle and show him around all of the places she'd been to when she was younger.

"That place...Ah babe that's just a basketball court, and it's empty. Want to check it out?" he asked, slowing down a bit. She nodded eagerly, wanting to see. Tre just laughed and pulled into a parking spot.

"For your sake, I hope there's a basketball in the back." he laughed, getting out before going round and helping her out. She giggled, moving as he shut the door back, then watching as he looked into the backseat of his car. He was in luck; there was a basketball there. 

"You're in luck, Tweedy bird." he winked, making her laugh as he handed her the basketball. He then shut the car door and locked up his car before stuffing his keys into his pocket. 

"Right...have you played basketball before?" he asked, leading her into the fenced-in basketball court. She shook her head, giggling slightly.

"To be honest, I've not got a clue about basketball." she replied. Tre just shook his head and laughed, taking the basketball from her.

"And here I was, going to challenge you in a game of one-on-one." he smirked. She rolled her eyes, shoving him a bit.

"I can kick your ass but whatever. Anyway, educate me; tell me what I'm supposed to be doing, please kind sir." she smirked, taking the ball back. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. 

"Come here, silly girl." he laughed, standing behind her. He placed his hands over hers, lifting the ball up a bit. 

"You see that tiny square right there, and you see the 'basket' like part, with the little nets hanging down from it?" he asked. She nodded, focusing.

"Right so you just aim for that, push your hands up a bit and flick your wrists." he pushed their hands up and flicked their wrists, making the ball go into the basket. Cheryl clapped, giggling.

"Ah I just made a basket." she squealed, making Tre laugh as he ran over and grabbed the ball. He wandered back over to her, handing it over.

"Now you try by yourself." he told her, stepping back. She nodded, before looking up and doing what Tre told her to do. On the first try, the ball bounced off of the rim, but the second time, it went straight into the basket. 

"Good job, princess." he said, clapping. She laughed, skipping over and picking up the ball before skipping back over to him. He took the ball from her, smirking.

"One on one?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, smirking back.

"Your ass is about to be kicked." she giggled, making him laugh.

"Yeah right, we'll see." he replied before throwing the ball up into the air, starting the game...


"You totally cheated." Cheryl pouted about an hour later. After a long hour of playing one-on-one, it ended with Tre having ten points and Cheryl only having seven. It wasn't too far off, but Cheryl was not a happy camper.

"I did not cheat, Chez. Stop being a sore loser." he winked, making her giggle a bit as they held hands with their fingers interlocked, walking back to the car. They were laughing and talking, when they heard a male's voice..

" that Holloway?" 

"Who's that?" Cheryl whispered. Tre unlocked the car with the button on his keys and gave Cheryl the basketball. 

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