Part 108

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Part 108


Cheryl and Tre got back about half an hour later, noticing that Shirley's car was in the yard. They got out with Cheryl's giant dolphin, then Tre locked up the car before going up and opening the door. They shut and locked it behind them before going off into the living room, seeing Shirley sitting there catching up on her soap operas. She looked up, going to say something but instantly chuckling as she spotted Cheryl bouncing towards her, smiling widely with the giant cuddly dolphin.

"Oh God, and what is this about?" she asked as Cheryl sat beside her and Tre sat over on the arm chair, laughing away as Cheryl started explaining about the dolphin.

"..And so I did the giant claw grab machine and I won this; I'm calling him Skipper Flipper the Dolphin." she said before giggling again, making Shirley laugh at how cute she was while Tre just laughed some more and shook his head.

"Mom I think she's had too much sugar; she sang the whole way back." he chuckled, making Shirley laugh some more while Cheryl seemed to have become distracted by the American soap opera on TV, wondering what was going on.

"Bless yous." she chuckled and shook her head before looking to the TV, seeing that Cheryl was frowning at it and trying to work out who people were.

"Have you ever watched the Young and the Restless before, sweetheart? she asked. Cheryl shook her head, pouting her lips. Shirley just laughed before starting to chat away about the different characters, pointing them out to Cheryl who was listening closely, interested. Tre just rolled his eyes and smirked before wandering off to get a drink before going to the lounge. He sat there for a bit, watching Sports Center and sipping his drink, thinking back to the day's events. He smiled to himself, having had the best day; he was an uncle and he'd celebrated a year with the most amazing girl ever. Life was pretty peachy at the moment.

"Oi you; giggling to yourself eh?"

He looked up, seeing Cheryl wandering through with a cheesy grin on her face. He rolled his eyes but smiled anyway, opening his arms. She fell into them, sitting on his lap and cuddling into them.

"You know as I was walking through to find you, I was thinking like; our exes really did us a big favor didn't they." she scrunched up her nose as he laughed a bit, nodding.

"They did. I should find Lita's number and call her just to thank her." he joked, making Cheryl giggle as she stroked his head.

"I love you, my tiny dancer." she winked.

"I'm hardly tiny am I baby?" he asked, raising an eyebrow while Cheryl bit her lip.

"My big dancer." she winked, making him laugh as he kissed her nose.

"You silly girl, I love you too." he replied before kissing her again, making her smile against his lips...


Cheryl crashed not much later that night, finally coming down from all the sugar she'd been hyped up on. Seeing as she'd fallen asleep before Tre, she woke up first the next morning, feeling refreshed. She caught something shiny out of her eye and immediately looked at her hand, smiling as she saw the shiny gold ring on her finger. It made her smile again as Tre's kind words from the day before came back to her, causing the butterflies to flutter around in her stomach. Smiling to herself, she sat up and looked at her phone, only to smile even more as she saw a note sitting on top of her phone. She reached over and grabbed it, seeing that it was addressed to her. Taking a deep breath, she unfolded the paper and began to read..

To the silliest girl,

Chez Chez Chez, what have you done to me eh? You've really turned me into a pile of mush! It's all good though girl, you're the best! I seriously love everything about you baby and I'm so glad that we're together. I'm so blessed to have you and sometimes I just find myself thinking, what if?

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