Chapter 74

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Part 74


Cheryl woke up first the next morning, wrapped up in Tre's arms, their legs tangled up under the blankets. She lifted her head from Tre's chest, holding the blankets over herself as she gazed at Tre, watching him sleeping peacefully. She smiled to herself, then lightly kissed his lips before getting out of bed. She pulled on her nightdress and her dressing gown, then went into the en suite. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, then went off downstairs. Her mother was already in the kitchen, making some breakfast.

"Morning mam." she greeted, going straight to the coffee pot. Joan looked up, smiling.

"Morning pet. Did you sleep well?" she asked, turning back to the stove. Cheryl nodded, sitting down at the table with her coffee cup in hand.

"Slept amazingly. I feel rather refreshed." she giggled, making Joan laugh. She then turned the stove down and turned, smirking at her. Cheryl's gaze shifted.

"What?" she asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Learn to be quiet." Joan said before taking a sip of coffee herself. Cheryl nearly choked on her own coffee; Joan started laughing. Cheryl's face went bright red and she scowled at her mother, biting her lip. Joan looked up again and looked at her face, then burst straight out laughing again.

"Your face is priceless, pet; seriously though please be quiet next time. I didn't need to hear all that." she said. Cheryl nodded, putting her head in her hand.

"Sorry." she mumbled. Joan just laughed, shaking her head as she finished making breakfast. Just as she was dishing it up, Tre wandered through to the kitchen.

"Morning ladies." he said. Joan looked over her shoulder and smiled while Cheryl stood up, hugging him tightly.

"Morning baby." she grinned. He smiled back, kissing her cheek lightly.

"Morning princess." he smiled. He gently pecked her lips, tapping her bum before sitting down. She sat herself down beside him, putting her hand on his leg.

"Sleep good?" she asked, tapping her fingers against his thigh. He nodded, lightly kissing her forehead. Joan soon wandered over and put their breakfast down in from of them. They thanked her, then tucked into their breakfast. Joan soon joined them and they carried on eating...


Later in the afternoon, Cheryl and Tre decided to go round and see Joe and his wife Kerry and the her niece and nephew.

Even though it was cold, the weather was still really nice, so the couple were walking down the road to Joe's house. Cheryl was wearing a pale blue sweater under a leather jacket, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans tucked into a pair of black Uggs. Tre was wearing a black sweater under a leather jacket, a pair of baggy dark blue jeans and a pair of black and white Jordans.

"He'll be surprised babe, especially since we weren't supposed to be up until tomorrow." he said, holding her hand. She nodded, squeezing his hand as they walked down the road. They soon reached her brother's house, so they walked up the walkway and knocked. Soon enough, Joe answered the door, smiling when he saw them.

"Ay Chez! Come here you little nightmare!" he grinned, hugging her tightly. She giggled, hugging him back and kissing his cheek.

"Hi Joe; where's Kerry and the kids?" she asked, moving as Joe and Tre shared a handshake.

"In the room; come on." he said, shutting and locking the door before leaning them through to the living room. Kerry was sat on the sofa, watching TV while Lucy was sat in the floor, playing with her older brother, Cheryl's nephew Bradley.

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