Chapter 65

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Part 65


Later in the night, the wind was starting to pick up a bit and the rain was still falling. Garry and Lily were in their room and Cheryl and Tre were in theirs. Tre was watching Sports Center while Cheryl was in the bedroom, sitting on the window seat, looking out the window, watching the city lights below. The rain was hitting the window now, causing the lights below to look like a blurry mess. She's just gotten off the phone with her mother, so now she had her iPod on and was thinking about the stuff on Twitter. She loved reading things, but some things just hurt. She had expected all of her fans to be happy for her and Tre, but that didn't look possible.

As she sat there listening to 'Love All Over Me', she felt a couple tears slip down her cheeks. She definitely was madly in love, so why didn't they understand that? 

She was so deep in thought that she actually jumped when she felt a pair of hands on her waist. However, she knew that touch a little too well; Tre.

"Hey." she smiled slightly, not looking at him as she took we earphones out of her ears. He lightly kissed her cheek, sitting behind her. Luckily, she was tiny and didn't take up much space, so he could sit behind her and be comfortable.

"What were you listening to, missy?" he asked.

"Monica." she mumbled, her voice cracking a bit. Tre noticed it and frowned.

"Chez." he said, reaching up and turning her head so she'd look at him. He saw the tears in her eyes and immediately for concerned.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you scared of the hurricane? You were all excited the other day and-" he was saying but stopped when she put her hand up to stop him. She pulled out her phone and showed him her mentions. 

"That's what I'm upset about." she said, looking down. He put her phone to the side and hugged her tightly, kissing the side of her head.

"Baby don't cry; please don't cry. If they don't like me, it's alright. It doesn't bother me." he said. She sniffled a bit, looking at him.

"I don't want them to be like that to you. I love you and I can't lose you." she said, leaning her head back on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, stroking her side.

"I love you too babe, and you're not going to lose me. Don't cry." he said. She cuddled him tighter, jumping as a gush of wind rattled the windows.

"Is the hurricane here?" she asked, looking to the window. He laughed a bit, stroking her arm.

"Scared?" he asked, smirking. She shook her head, smiling.

"Nah, I'm just wondering." she giggled, standing up. He stood up as well, wrapping his arms around her and pecking her lips. 

"Rain is cuddling weather; did you know that?" he asked, staring into her eyes. She nodded as she looked at him, seeing the lust in his eyes. She wriggled out of his arms and pulled the curtains closed then went back and wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his own strong arms around her waist. He kissed her gently, picking her up so that her legs were around his waist. He gently lowered her down onto the bed and got on top of her, before sitting up and pulling off his shirt. She gasped slightly, running her hands over his chest.

"Your body is perfect; God you're so hot." she smiled. He smiled back before helping her out of her t-shirt.

"Nah baby I think you're hotter." he winked before kissing her neck. He leaned up a bit to move her hair then carried on. She moaned slightly before biting down on her lip as she felt him pressing up against her.

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