Chapter 46

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Part 46


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now the tour was in London. Finally, it was the night of the London show. Cheryl was excited because everyone was coming; her four bandmates, her mother had come down, Will was going to come along and Wretch 32; everyone. Best of all, Tre would be joining her on stage, finally!

"Baby you get to be on stage with me!" Cheryl squealed, bouncing around in her costume backstage. Tre laughed, pulling on his white jacket that was part of his costume.

"I know. I'm rather excited." he winked, making her laugh.

"Me too!" she replied. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling. He smiled back, wrapping his arms around her waist before leaning in and lightly pecking her lips.

"Tonight at the hotel will be great." he winked, making her giggle.

"I know." she winked back before kissing him gently. He kissed back, resting his hands on her hips. The couple's passionate kiss was interrupted by someone knocking on Cheryl's dressing room door.

"Oh my god! Can I kiss my man in peace? Please?!" Cheryl rolled her eyes as she made her way over to her door. She opened it slowly, seeing Tabby standing there.

"No you cannot kiss my brother in peace." she smirked. Cheryl squealed slightly, hugging her.

"Oh god babe I'm sorry, I honestly thought you were Lily or something." she giggled. She then turned and hugged Shirley, kissing her cheek. Tabby and Shirley then hugged Tre as Cheryl shut the door back.

"My baby boy; how's your knee?" Shirley asked.

"It's fine, mom. I'm performing tonight, so it's good to go." Tre replied, moving over so that Cheryl could sit beside him. She sat down and he draped his arm around her waist, smiling.

"The tour seems to have been going good so far! Everyone loves you Chez!" Tabby said, making Cheryl laugh.

"Yeah it's good. I'm exited though cause tonight-" she was saying, but was cut off when someone knocked again. She sighed and rolled her eyes, getting up and opening the door. Sarah, Nicola, Kimberley and Nadine were standing there.

"My girlies!" Cheryl squealed, hugging the four of them.

"We had to see you before, cheeseball." Sarah said, kissing he friend's cheek. Cheryl let them in and introduced them to Shirley and Tabby. After the introductions and all that, they all sat down.

"Tre, you been looking after our little half-pint yeah?" Nicola asked. Tre laughed, nodding.

"Of course, though she's been looking after me a bit more." he said as they all laughed.. Nadine the looked up at Cheryl, who was sitting on the arm of the sofa.

"I've come all the way from LA because I didn't want to miss this at all. I'm so proud of you, babe." she said, putting her hand on her knee. Cheryl smiled, rubbing her hand gently.

"Thanks Diney." she smiled. They all chatted for a bit until Lily poked her head in. The laughter stopped for a bit as they looked at her.

"To the stage." she smiled. Cheryl hopped up, excited. She hugged her bandmates, then Shirley and Tabby, then headed off down the hall towards the stage while they went to their seats. Cheryl and her dancers did their little ritual, then Cheryl went up the stairs to her lift. Now, it was time for the biggest show on the tour.

The lights came on, the lift went up. Cheryl smiled to herself, thinking; 'Tre's with me tonight. This will be perfect.'

She saw the fans; cameras flashing, banners in the air; she was in the zone..

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