Chapter Four

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Lily and Beth wandered into the rehearsal studios and looked around, seeing all the dancers apart from Tre, and not seeing Cheryl. The two exchanged a glance and sighed.

"Seriously where the hell is she?" Lily wondered, pulling out her phone. Just as she was about to ring Cheryl, the sound of giggling filled their ears and they heard that familiar Geordie accent.

"Stop Tre." 

They both turned and saw Cheryl and Tre wandering in, arms round each other, giggling like crazy. Lily just shook her head while Beth smiled at them as she wandered over.

"Alright love birds, we have work to do." she said. Tre and Cheryl smiled, sharing a gentle kiss before going their separate ways; Cheryl stayed with Beth while Tre went to greet the other dancers.

"A bit extra loved up today?" Lily asked, raising an eyebrow, making her boss laugh.

"I'll tell you about it later." she winked, going to get in position. They were starting rehearsals with 'All Is Fair' today. Cheryl was glad for this, because it was an opener for a section, and the dancers would be carrying her out instead of her coming out on a lift.

"You all ready then?" Beth asked. Everyone nodded and lifted Cheryl up into their arms. Most of her weight was on Tre, who gave her hip a gentle stroke, making her look down. She giggled and tapped the top of his head, making him laugh as Beth started the music. The dancers started walking as if they were carrying her out, and Cheryl sang the first bit of her song..

'Close the blinds, turn down the sun, better run and hide, here they all come, with the hate in their eyes and lies on their tongues, so we stand and fight, an army of one..'


After rehearsing All Is Fair, Ghetto Baby, Promise This, and Parachute, it was time for a little break. The other dancers and Beth and Lily were up on the roof having their lunch, while Cheryl and Tre were inside the studio to by themselves, sitting against the wall together.

"I'm tired." Cheryl yawned slightly, resting her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her shoulder.

"I bet you are, and we only went for an hour last night." he whispered in her ear, making her go red as she laughed. She turned around so that she was facing him and pulled her knees up to her chest. 

"I can go longer you know." she winked. He laughed, taking her hands. 

"Oh really?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. She nodded, standing up.

"Yes really." she replied with a smirk, holding out her hands. He took her hands and stood up, squeezing them gently.

"Hmm not with me you can't." he said, leaning towards her. She dropped his hands and wrapped her arms around his neck, putting one hand on the back of his head.

"Wanna bet?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. He laughed, resting his hands on her hips.

"You can't, okay so give up now." he said. Cheryl rolled her eyes, sliding her hand down to rest on that six-pack she loved so much.

"Gosh you're hot." she giggled, running her fingers up and down a few times.

"You're hotter." he winked, leaning towards her. She shook her head, giggling as he placed his warm lips on hers, pushing her against the wall. She smiled into their kiss, tugging on his shirt as he smiled against her mouth, pushing his tongue in. Their tongues danced around together, making them both laugh as they continued to kiss. 

"Mmm." Cheryl moaned slightly before finally pulling away from him. Tre rested his forehead against hers, trying to get his breath back from that kiss. 

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