Chapter Twelve

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“Tre's here!”

Cheryl finished up her make up and quickly tied her hair up into a bun, then grabbed her handbag and her phone. An hour had passed and now they were all ready to go the airport. The other dancers were already waiting for them at the airport, and their flight was scheduled to leave in an hour. 

“Hiya.” she giggled, wandering out and seeing Tre standing there. He smiled, pulling her into a hug. 

“Ready to go, gorgeous?” he asked. She nodded, squeezing him tight before letting go.

“Aye.” she grinned, scrunching up her nose. He picked up her suitcase for her before holding her hand. Lily just smiled at the loved up couple, before wandering out of the hotel room along with them...


Once at the airport, they had to all wait around in the lounge area for a bit. Cheryl and Tre were sitting next to each other, and Tre had his arm draped around her waist. Her jumper had moved slightly so he was stroking her bare side. 

“Baby will you stop it?” she whispered, giggling slightly. He looked at her and winked before kissing her nose.

“Stop what?” he asked, smirking. She playfully hit his chest, laughing.

“You know what.” she replied, squirming slightly as he tickled her side again. She giggled slightly, scrunching up her nose as she did so. He smiled at her before kissing her forehead.

“You're so cute.” he said, making her grin as she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Aw no I'm not.” she giggled, yawning slightly. He just laughed, stroking her side again.

"You tired?" he asked. She nodded, resting her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead again, stroking her side again as she rested on his shoulder. They waited around for a little bit longer, and soon enough, their flight was called. 

"Flight 1043 to London, England is now boarding!"

"Off we go, crew." Lily said, hopping up along with the other dancers. Cheryl and Tre stood up as well, holding hands as they all headed through the airport. Cheryl linked her fingers through his and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, making him smile and squeeze her hand back. They wandered through and got their passports checked, then it was off to board their flight...


A few hours had passed, there was still seven hours left in the flight and Cheryl was extremely bored. She looked around, noticing that her other dancers were either sleeping or entertaining themselves with books or their iPods. Lily had fallen asleep with her head against the window, so she couldn't talk to her. Tre was half asleep himself, his head against the window. Cheryl pouted slightly, not wanting to wake him up. Maybe she could try and sleep herself..

She put her head on Tre's arm, fidgeting a bit to get comfortable. Tre felt her moving about, so he opened his eyes and glanced down at her. He smiled, seeing her little cute pout as she tried to get comfortable.

"Sit here, silly girl." he spoke softly, holding her waist and pulling her into his lap. She giggled slightly, curling up and putting his head on his chest.

"Sorry I woke you." she mumbled. He laughed a bit, kissing her forehead. 

"It's okay gorgeous." he replied, holding his arms around her waist, gently stroking her side. She smiled slightly, yawning again. She closed her eyes and cuddled into him a bit more, feeling safe and warm in his strong arms that were wrapped around hers. 

"I love you." she whispered, drifting off. Tre kissed her head again, watching her.

"I love you too." he replied, making her smile as she finally fell asleep..

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