Chapter 44

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Part 44


"What is it?" Cheryl asked. She'd see Tre's eyes go wide as he looked at his phone. What was going on now?

"My sister. She's pregnant." he replied, looking over at her. Cheryl was slightly confused as to why that was bad.

"Why's that bad? That's really lovely. Congratulations to her." she started smiling until Tre shook his head.

"No no, babe you don't get it. Tabby and her boyfriend broke up two week before her birthday; he left her for some other girl. This isn't good right now." he replied, before looking back at his phone, replying to Tabby.

<<Tre: sh!t...And how exactly do you plan to explain that to mom? xo>>

<<Tabby: I just said I don't know! I'm scared! xo>>

<<Tre: When did you find out? xo>>

<<Tabby: This morning; I went to the doctor as I had an appointment anyway. I was so glad mom wasn't home when I got back else she would've been on my back as I was crying. Oh gosh..Tre, what the hell am I gonna do? xo>>

<<Tre: Sleep on it and tell mom tomorrow. xo>>

"What'd you say baby? I'm sorry." Tre finally looked up. Cheryl rolled her eyes, hitting his arm.

"See, not listening to me again," she joked before going on, "I asked if she was okay and all that?"

"She's scared to tell mom; she's just worried about everything I think. My sister's in some sh!t." he replied, laying back on the bed. Cheryl pouted slightly, laying down beside him.

"That really sucks." she frowned. Her sister hadn't had that problem when she popped up pregnant out of wedlock; she'd just told everyone and they were cool with it, concerned but cool with it.

"It does suck." he sighed slightly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to him again.

"Come on, let's not think about it," he smiled at her, reaching up and stroking her cheek with his thumb. "We were doing something else."

She giggled slightly, putting her arm back across his stomach before kissing him again. He pulled her closer, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned slightly when she felt his hand on her bum, then she pulled away.

"Hands off my bum." she said. He smirked, squeezing her bum gently.

"Why?" he raised an eyebrow. She smirked before leaning up, kissing his neck. She then trailed kisses up to his jawline, then back down again to his neck.  She started sucking gently at his skin, causing him to moan a bit as he ran his hand down her back. Soon enough, she pulled away, giggling cutely.

"Love bite for you." she said as she ran her finger down the bite. Tre just laughed before kissing her forehead.

"Can I give you one?" he asked before kissing her cheek. She nodded, sitting up slightly. Tre moved her hair, then leaned in and started kissing her neck. He sucked gently at her skin, making her moan quietly as she put her hand on his shoulder. Soon enough, he pulled away.

"There you are." he smirked before lightly kissing the bite. She giggled slightly, pecking his lips before laying down beside him, cuddling into him...


The next morning, Cheryl and Tre woke up to the sound of Tre's phone blaring. Cheryl rolled over onto her side and grabbed her own phone, seeing that it was '10:30' in the morning while Tre grabbed his phone, seeing who was calling him. He squinted at the screen; 'Tabby calling'

"Hello.." he yawned down the phone, glancing over at Cheryl, who was texting away on her phone. He heard Tabby's sigh and he knew it wasn't good.

"H-hey T. I told mom, after she got home. I sat her down and talked to her. I new I wouldn't have been able to sleep with that on my mind, so I just told her when she got home." she replied.

"Oh Tabs, what did she say?" he asked, waking up a bit more.

"She said she's gonna help me through this. When I was telling her, I just burst into tears and sort of choked it out. Safe to say, she's ready to go knock Ryan out right about now. I miss you bro, and I need a hug. I've literally not slept because I've been crying." Tabby was about to cry again and Tre could hear it in her voice.

"Hey hey, relax sis. Mom said she's gonna help you, and I'm gonna help you too. Hey, it's a bit soon but it'll be cool to be an uncle. Just calm down, and get some sleep. You need it." Come on, gotta rest up for your flight on Saturday, right?" he spoke down the phone, smiling as Cheryl lay herself back down beside him.

"You mean you guys actually sorted that out?" Tabby asked, perking up a bit.

"Hell yeah. You thought we were joking? Lily sorted it I think, and so tell mom to check her emails or something and the plane tickets and hotel stuff should be there. Come on sis, chin up. It'll be alright." he told her. She sniffled a bit, but Tre could just sense that she was smiling.

"I don't say it enough, but I do love you to bits T. You're the best big brother in the world." she said.

"Love you too, Tabs, and yes I know," he laughed along with her before continuing, "Seriously now, get some rest. See you Sunday."

"See you Sunday." Tabby replied. The two then hung up and Tre put his phone to the side, before looking down as Cheryl had her head on his chest.

"Alright baby, I do think we should get up before we both get into trouble." he said. Cheryl shrugged, lightly kissing his neck.

"We're already in trouble." she giggled, lightly scratching his nails down her side. He laughed a bit, tilting her head up and pecking her lips.

"Get up before we get into even more trouble." he laughed. She just giggled, sitting up.

"Fine, but I'm showering first." she smirked before running off to the bathroom, making him laugh...


Later in the day, everyone was on the bus on the way to Dublin. Everyone was having a good time just talking and laughing, and Cheryl was even sitting beside Tre, cuddled into his side. At the moment, they were all playing 'Never Have I Ever'

"Never have I ever; had a shot before going clubbing." Tyrell said. Everyone had to laugh and put down a finger on that one.

"Alright, your turn Lils." Fefe said. Lily thought for a second, then went on.

"Never have I ever; had a quickie in the toilets." she said. Only a couple people, including Cheryl and Tre, put a finger down on that one. Everyone started laughing again.

"Cheryl, tut tut." Lily smirked, causing Cheryl to give her the evils. Everyone laughed some more and the game went on; random things were being shouted left and right.

"Never have I ever; worn too much clothing to hide love bites?!"

"Never have I ever; Taken twenty-one shots on my twenty first birthday?!"

"Never have I ever; done the dirty deed in my parent's house?!"

Everyone had a laugh and a great time together. In the end, Lily won because she was the only player left with some fingers up.

"So a quickie in the toilet, ay Tre?" Tyrell smirked. Tre stuck a finger up at him and laughed before turning back to Cheryl, who was texting away on her phone.

"Who you texting now, silly girl?" he asked before kissing her cheek.

"Just Nicola. She misses us and I miss her." she pouted slightly as she looked at her phone again. Tre smiled sadly, running his fingers through her hair.

"You'll be seeing her soon right, princess?" he asked. Cheryl nodded, her face lighting up.

"On Sunday." she wiggled in her seat, excited. Tre just laughed, tickling her side gently before kissing her cheek...

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