Chapter 59

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Part 59


Cheryl woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing a few hours later. After crying for a bit, she'd finally gone to bed and fell asleep, so now she wasn't exactly happy that she was being woken up. In fact, she hated being woken up. It was the worst thing ever and she was always grumpy when it happened.

She rolled over, looking at her clock; 3:30AM. She sighed then looked at the phone screen, her eyes widening when she saw who it was; 'Tre calling'

"Hello.." she answered, laying back on her bed.

"Hey baby. I'm so sorry that I woke you up; just wanted to tell you that I'm here safely. Heading to the hospital now." he replied. She sighed slightly.

"Oh it's alright babes; I'm glad you're there safe though. Send your mam and Tabby my love and tell them that I'm sorry I couldn't come too." she said.

"Will do.." he sighed before continuing, "I miss you. I'll be back as soon as possible, and we're still going on our holiday together."

"I miss you too babe, and don't rush. Take your time and make sure little miss Tabs is alright. I'm gonna drop a tweet to her later on..ooh and I can't for our holiday." she giggled a bit. He chuckled.

"Alright princess, go back to sleep. Goodnight, love you." he said.

"Love you too, and goodnight." she said. She then hung up and got out of bed, going to her closet. She rummaged through and found the soft brown teddy bear from when they'd gone to Atlantic City together. Cuddling it tight, she climbed back into bed and snuggled under the blankets, before drifting off to sleep, dreaming of her Tre...


The next day was another rehearsal day for Girls Aloud. Cheryl pulled up just after Sarah did and got out, waiting beside her car. Sarah got out of her own car and smiled, holding out her hand.

"Half-pint is on time. What?!" she joked. Cheryl scowled a bit before smiling as she took Sarah's hand, walking into rehearsals with her.

"We the first two here then?" she asked as they waved at Beth. Sarah looked around.

"Guess so." she shrugged. The pair then sat themselves down against the mirror. Cheryl pulled out her phone, checking the time; '10:45AM'

"What's on your mind, Chez?" Sarah asked, noticing her friend's facial expression. Cheryl looked up, smiling slightly.

"Tre; he had to fly home last night as his sister was hurt. I'm worried about her and I miss him." she replied, only telling part of what was wrong. Sarah pouted a bit, hugging her.

"Aw babe I'm sure she's fine and Tre will be back soon. I know you miss him." she said, stroking her arm. Cheryl shrugged a bit, pulling away from her friend and running her hand through her hair. She looked up, seeing the other girls coming in. Lily and Garry had also wandered in behind them, hand in hand. Cheryl looked away from them, looking at her phone. This didn't go unnoticed by Sarah.

"Cheryl what is it?" she asked, putting her hand on her arm.

"Nothing." Cheryl mumbled, calling Tre..




Tre jumped awake, rubbing his eyes before looking at the clock; 5:50AM' He looked at his phone, smiling when he saw who it was; 'Cheryl calling'

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