Part 112

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Part 112


"Chez, wake up sweetheart...Cheryl."

Cheryl groaned tiredly, rolling over and pulling the covers over her head as she hated to be woken up, especially seeing as she was having a particularly nice dream. It wasn't registering that it was actually Tre who was whispering in her ear, or that it was actually her birthday today. She was just so tired and wanted to sleep for a little while longer, but Tre had a surprise - and it was nearly twelve in the afternoon.

"Cheryl, come on princess...up up up. It's a special day." he smiled before going over and pulling the curtains back, letting the sunlight pour in. Cheryl instantly groaned even more before moving the covers and glaring at him, her expression softening when she saw the big cheesy grin on his face. She suddenly gasped and sat straight up in bed, realizing what day it was; 30th of June.

"It's my birthday!" she screamed, making Tre burst out laughing as he bounced over to her and lifted her up, hugging her and spinning her around.

"Happy Birthday to my perfect princess. Come on, let's get showered and stuff so we can go out for lunch." he said as he put her down. She smiled up at him before kissing him gently, making him smile even more as he squeezed her bum. She pulled away, a cheeky smile on her face.

"Erm, you know we could easily save more time if we have a shower together." she whispered, biting her bottom lip in that sexy way that she knew was sure to turn him on. It quite obviously worked, because he suddenly picked her up, allowing her to wrap her legs around his waist.

"I like your thinking, Miss Cole." he smirked, making her giggle as they headed off into the bathroom...


After showering, the couple got dressed for the day. Seeing as it was extremely warm outside, Cheryl dressed in a pair of denim shorts and a black and white stripped vest top that was a bit low cut, which was perfect because she wanted to wind Tre up all day. She slipped on her black flip flops and put on some mascara and lip gloss before looking over at Tre, who had just finished changing into a pale blue t-shirt, some khaki cargo shorts and a pair of tan flip flops.

"You ready to go?" he asked her, looking up. She nodded eagerly before giggling as he sweetly kissed her forehead.

"Alright sweets, out we go." he said. The two of them then left the apartment and started walking down the street, holding hands with their fingers interlocked and chatting away as they did so. Cheryl wasn't paying much attention, until they started walking up the walkway of the villa. She frowned slightly, wondering what they were doing there?

"I thought we were going to breakfast." she frowned.

"Just gonna see if anyone else wants to come along with us, silly girl. Now open the door." he said, smiling widely. Cheryl gave him a suspicious look before opening the door and wandering inside with him following. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, leading her through the lounge.

"Let's see where everyone is." he said. He led her straight to the patio, and at that moment, she suddenly smiled as everyone looked back at her, singing 'happy birthday'. There was a big banner with 'Happy Birthday' written across and lunch was laid out on the tables. Everyone was there, including the rest of the dancers from the tour, as well as Tyrell's son Kaison.

"Oh" she smiled, clearly amazed by all of this. Everyone laughed while Trinity just squealed, making them all laugh some more as Tabby just looked down at her daughter, who was sat in her lap gripping her fingers.

"Aw, you telling Auntie Chez happy birthday too? She's old now." Tabby cheekily smirked before laughing as she looked up and was met by Cheryl jokingly glaring at her. They all settled down and Cheryl got seated, then they all tucked into their lunch of sandwiches, french fries, grilled hot dogs, and grilled chicken. They carried on talking for a while, just having a good time together. Once their lunch was finished, Tre and the dancers went to have a dance off along with Kaison and Garry while everyone else stayed at the table. Shirley and Joan were chatting away with Lily and Alison, Tabby and Jayda were chatting away and Cheryl, Nicola, and Kimberley were chatting away as well.

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