Part 87

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Part 87

The next morning, Cheryl woke up first, feeling Tre's warm arms wrapped around her. She had a slight headache, probably down to drinking at the concert then having a couple more drinks at the bar before they'd finally returned to the hotel. She sighed slightly, wriggling out of Tre's arms and getting out of bed. She pulled on her fluffy slipper boots and her cardigan because it was a bit cold, then she wandered through to the kitchen area of the hotel room. Her tummy rumbled loudly,  so she grabbed the menu down and the phone, deciding to order room service. Just as she was about to do so, her phone buzzed. Frowning slightly, she picked it up and looked at the screen; it was Nicola.

<<Nicola: Hey dimples I miss ya :/ How was Coldplay last night and such? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Hi ginge! I miss you too :/ Ah it was amazing! We had such a good time :)Xx>>

She put her phone aside and picked up the room phone, looking at the breakfast menu again. She then dialed the number and soon enough, someone answered. Cheryl said hello then went to ordering.

"Erm; I would like a stack of pancakes with maple syrup, hash browns, scrambled eggs with cheese, an order of French toast with maple syrup as well, a dozen chocolate chip muffins, mango chunks, pear slices, grapes, orange juice and water please." she explained.

"Alright ma'am; it'll be up in a few." the man replied. Cheryl thanked him and hung up before grabbing her phone again, seeing that Nicola had replied.

<<Nicola: Aw good I'm glad you had a good time When are you coming back? Xx>>

<<Cheryl: Not due back till the middle of January I think; two weeks before we start rehearsals :)Xx>>

<<Nicola: That's ages! Xx>>

<<Cheryl: It's not really babe; a couple weeks! I can't wait to see ya again though; and have a good gossip. Xx>>


"I'm in here baby!" Cheryl replied, looking at. Tre came through, smiling at her. He was in his joggers and vest.

"You're staring at me like I'm a piece of meat." he laughed, leaning across the island counter top to kiss her forehead. She giggled, getting down and coming round to his side, putting her arms around his waist.

"You're too tall for me, mister." she giggled, looking up at him. He was 6'3; she was only 5'3; he towered over her and she hated it and loved it at the same time.

"Are you complaining?" he smirked. She shook her head, pouting cutely.

"Course not." she smiled. He smiled back, pecking her lips before lifting her up to sit on the counter top.

"And you're so strong." she giggled, playing with his hands that were now on her thighs.

"You're just all tiny and cute." he smiled, reaching up and tapping her nose. She giggled, taking his hands again.

"Look though; my hands are so small compared to yours." she giggled, stretching her fingers out against his. He laughed, nodding.

"They are. You're just cute though, baby." he smiled before pecking her lips. She smiled, stroking his cheek before playing with his hands again.

"Can we just cuddle up today? Just kiss, cuddle; no sex, and then we'll just enjoy the party tonight and such?" she asked. He nodded.

"Of course, princess." he replied. He went to kiss her again, but they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"That would be our breakfast." she smiled, pecking his lips before hopping down and going to the door. She opened the door, seeing the man standing there.

"Hiya." she grinned, moving so that he could bring their tray inside.

"Morning Miss Cole, Mr. Holloway." he nodded his head at them. He put their tray down and smiled.

"Enjoy guys." he said. Cheryl thanked him and paid him before shutting the door behind him. She then ran up to Tre and jumped on him, catching him off him guard as he wrapped held his arms under her bum, holding her up as she'd wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Why are you jumping on me?" he asked, making her laugh as she stroked the back of his head.

"Just felt like it." she smiled. He just shook his head and pecked her lips before sitting her on the counter top.

"Come on, food." he said, making her smile as she watched him sort out their breakfast...


The couple just laid around for the remainder of the morning after breakfast and for half the afternoon. They were just enjoying each other; cuddling and kissing, talking about random things, watching TV; just having a good time. Now they were playing a game on Tre's laptop as he'd hooked up a game controller to it, though Cheryl kept blowing up her team instead of the enemies.

"They're shooting at us; help Tre!" she giggled, making him nearly cry with laughter as he quickly took the controller out of her hands.

"Woman, I swear I'm gonna wet myself laughing at you." he chuckled as he carried on playing the game. Cheryl giggled, watching him play.

"See it's too easy for you." she said. He rolled his eyes, laughing.

"I've been playing video games for years baby." he said, smiling as he blew up the enemy. He then paused the game and put the controller aside before laying back on the sofa and pulling her on top of him.

"So gorgeous; can you believe today is New Year's Eve?" he said. She shook her head, laying down with her head on his chest.

"It's gone so quick. I've done such big things this year; had the fastest selling single, a successful album, performed for the Royals, had a tour, and on top of that, I've spent three quarters of the year in the most amazing relationship with the most amazing man in the world." she grinned. He smiled, moving the hair away from her face before kissing her gently.

"I've spent most of the year with the most amazing girl ever; you're definitely my baby for life. I don't think I've ever been this happy, so Little Miss Dimples, you're stuck with me, baby." he winked, making her giggle.

"Well I'm glad that I'm stuck with you." she winked back before kissing him again, making him smile against her lips...


Later that night, the couple were getting ready to down the street to the club for a party. She settled on wearing a pair of black jeggings, a long crème colored jumper, and her crème boots with the four inch heel that came up to her knee. She got dressed and looked up again, seeing Tre coming out of the bathroom dressed in his blue jeans, black and white Jordans and a black long sleeved shirt.

"Look baby; I packed these for you." he smiled, pulling out a couple necklaces. She looked over and smiled, seeing that they were dog tag necklaces.

"Argh let me see." she grinned, coming over and looking.

"They're both for you, silly; I have mine." he said, handing over the chains. She smiled and read the tags; 'Chezza' on one and 'Silly Girl' on the other.

"Aye baby I love them." she smiled before kissing his cheek. He smiled, giving her a squeeze before letting her go. She just watched him for a second, smiling to herself before putting the chain over her head. She then went to the mirror and took her hair down, brushing it out, letting it flow down over her shoulders and down her back. She then put on some lip gloss and a bit of mascara before turning to him.

"Are you ready? I'm ready." she said, bouncing excitedly. He laughed; putting on his snapback before taking her hand and wandering out with her...


Later on, it was about ten to midnight and the party was in full swing. Lily and Tyrell were dancing, and Cheryl and Tre were together at the table. Cheryl was sat on his lap with her arm around his shoulder, having another drink.

"You been having a good night then?" he asked, squeezing her hip. She nodded, taking another sip of her drink before kissing him lightly. He smiled, kissing her cheek before moving up, kissing her lightly behind her ear.

"You taste like apples and vodka." he whispered, making her giggle as she winked cheekily. She then kissed him again, stroking his cheek gently before pulling away.

"You'll taste something else later." she whispered, slightly tipsy. Tre looked up at her with wide eyes, smirking.

"Oh yeah?" he raised an eyebrow. She nodded, biting her lip in that sexy way he loved, making him laugh.

"God I can't wait to get back to our room." he said, making her laugh as she hugged him tightly. The next few minutes passed quickly, and now it was time to go outside. Everyone crowded outside the building where the party was, looking out and counting down.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven.."

"I love you." Tre whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. Cheryl smiled, leaning back against him.

"I love you too." she whispered back as they listened to everyone else counting..

"Six, five, four, three, two, one; happy new year!"

Fireworks went off in the distance as party goers clapped and cheered, and couples shared kisses. Cheryl turned around in Tre's arms, wrapping her arms tight around his neck.

"Happy New Year baby; ready to spend twenty-thirteen with me?" she asked, winking. He laughed, nodding as he rested his head against hers.

"Happy New Year to you babe; and hell yeah I'm ready. This year is ours." he replied, making her smile as she kissed him gently, stroking the back of his head. She really was excited to spend this new year with him, and couldn't wait to see what 2013 was bringing them...

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