Chapter Eighteen

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"Girls..this is Tre. Tre, these are the girlies..Sarah, Kimberley, Nicola, and Nadine." Cheryl introduced them all to each other. It was clear that Tre was a bit nervous, but she hoped that he'd get over it. After all, the girls weren't anything to really be scared of...sort of.

"Nice to meet you all." Tre smiled, shaking their hands. The girls smiled back, shaking his hand in return.

"Lovely to meet you as well." Nadine said as she and the girls smiled back at him. Cheryl decided to get them all a drink, and maybe come back and have Tre open up to the girls a bit.

"Anyone want a drink?" she asked. 

"Yes please, babe." Nicola replied. All the other girls and Tre nodded, so Cheryl wandered off to the kitchen. The girls watched her go then turned back to Tre, who was fiddling with his fingers.

"Right so Tre..that's it right, Tre?" Kimberley started off the conversation. Tre nodded, smiling.

"Tre..well it really is nice to meet you. How'd you meet our Chezza?" Kimberley went on. 

"Erm..I met her about two years ago, when I danced for her on the X-Factor. After the whole thing, we just kept in touch and stuff." he explained. The girls nodded.

"Do you really, really like her? Because like, Cheryl's been through a lot and we don't want her to get hurt again." Sarah questioned. He nodded.

"I really, really like her..hell I'm in love with her. Cheryl really means a lot to me and trust me, I'd never even dream of hurting her. I promise you all, I'll always make her happy." he told them, making them all smile. Okay, he seemed nice enough. 

"Here yous are!"

They all looked up, seeing Cheryl coming back through with a tray of drinks. She put them down on the table, then sat down beside Tre. They all took sips of their drinks, then continued to chat. Tre told them all about his childhood in New Jersey, all about his education and his love for dance..anything they wanted to know. They even asked him a bit about the American school system, and told him how they did things in the UK. After a couple of hours full of talking and laughing, the girls realized one thing; This guy was perfect, and Cheryl..she seemed so happy. The way she blushed every time he looked at her or called her cute or beautiful, or even the way they were playing with each other's hands; they were perfect for each other. 

"Tre...okay look, we like you. You're cool, funny, you're madly in love with our Chezza...we approve." Nicola spoke up.

"But if you ever hurt her, you'll have the four of us to deal it?" Kimberley raised an eyebrow. Tre nodded, laughing a bit.

"Got it. Like said though, I'd never even dream of hurting her. She means too much to me." he smiled, looking at Cheryl. She smiled back, cuddling into him. The girls all erupted into an in sync 'aww', making Cheryl blush. 

"And she's gone red again." Nicola laughed. Cheryl just rolled her eyes and looked up at Tre, kissing his cheek. He turned his head and pecked her lips, then stood up.

"Well I think I'll head up to bed, leave you girls to talk. It was really nice to meet you all." he said. Cheryl stood up and draped an arm around his neck, kissing his cheek. 

"I'll be up later." she smiled. He smiled back before leaning in and kissing her gently.

"Okay silly girl." he said, pinching her bum before heading off upstairs. Cheryl sat herself back down on the sofa, her face red. The girls giggled at her.

"Silly girl?" Nadine asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because apparently I'm really weird and funny..I'm silly. On the Call My Name video, well in the rehearsals for that anyway, I did something - don't remember what it was - and Tre called me a silly girl then, and it's just stuck." she explained, making the girls laugh. 

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