Chapter 33

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"Lils!" Cheryl called as she and Tre wandered into the hotel room a while later. They had an hour until rehearsals started and Cheryl had come back to the hotel to talk to Lily, and to change her clothes as well. 

"In here!" Lily replied from her bedroom. Cheryl just rolled her eyes and pecked Tre's lips, sighing.

"If this is nothing, I swear.." she mumbled. Tre just laughed and pinched her bum, before sitting down on the sofa. Cheryl shrugged and went off into Lily's room, seeing Lily sitting on the bed, cross-legged.

"What's so important that you couldn't tell us over the phone?" she asked. Lily just went red, quickly standing up and shutting the door.

"I slept with Garry." she blurted out. Cheryl nearly swallowed her Spearmint gum. 

"What?!" she asked, her eyes nearly popping out of her head. Lily nodded, sitting herself back down on the bed. Cheryl sat down beside her, staring at her. Lily, her best friend, had slept with Garry, her brother? This was awkward.

"Speechless I take it? Well, it just happened. I didn't mean for it to happen or anything; just did. We were watching a film and all that, and we started kissing, and one thing led to another..yeah." Lily explained, looking up at her friend and boss. 

"Ew." Cheryl said. Lily pouted, smacking her arm.

"It wasn't ew; it was actually magical." she defended herself. Cheryl just started laughing, laying back on the bed as she did so.

"No you numpty! That's not what I meant. 'Ew' as in ew that's my brother you're talking about." she said. Lily lay back as well, looking at her. 

"Well okay shut up. Seriously though, I had to tell you because I was like, 'I think I'm in love with Cheryl's brother now and I need to make sure she's okay with it.' Are you okay?" she asked. Cheryl nodded, giving her a dimpled smile.

"Of course. My best friend and my brother; I'm cool with it babe, especially since he makes you happy." she replied as she sat up. Lily quickly sat up as well, pulling her friend into the tightest hug ever.

"Thank you Chezzabelle! Thank youu!" she squealed.

"Alright, alright!" Cheryl replied, wriggling out of her embrace. She then sorted out her hair and stood up, just giggling.

"Be ready in ten minutes." she said, wandering out of the room. Tre looked up from the TV, smiling when he saw her.

"Alright?" he asked. She nodded, smiling.

"Of course." she replied, going off to her own room. She went in and changed into a pair of black stretchy tracksuit bottoms that hugged her hips, a bright pink vest top and a pair of black and pink trainers. She then grabbed her handbag and her phone before wandering back out to Tre. He looked up at her, instantly smiling.

"Damn baby." he said, looking her up and down. She laughed, sitting down on his knee. 

"Knew you'd love these." she smirked, pulling at her tracksuit bottoms. He laughed, stroking her bare side gently where her top had moved. 

"Hm..I'll be distracted all day." he winked, making her giggle.

"Oh?" she raised an eyebrow as she draped her arms around his neck. He nodded, pecking her lips.

"Yes. You'll have to keep saying," he mimicked her voice, "'Eyes up Tre!'"

"Don't take the p!ss out of how I speak!" she pouted, smacking his chest as he laughed. 

"I wasn't." he mumbled against her lips. She giggled, nodding.

"You were." she mumbled before kissing him gently, resting one hand on the back of his head. He traced her lips with his tongue, making her shudder as she opened her mouth, granting him entrance to her mouth. He stroked her tongue with his own, tightening his arms around her waist, shuddering slightly as she dug her nails into his back. The two were lost in their own world, until they heard...


The both jumped apart, looking up and seeing Lily there, tapping her foot; she was ready to go.

"Sorry." the couple said. Cheryl stood up first and grabbed her bag, then Tre stood up and took her hand. The couple interlocked fingers, following Lily out of the room...


"Tre, stop!" Cheryl whispered as Tre kissed her neck again. They'd been at rehearsals for two hours now and were having an hour break. The other dancers were chatting to Beth, Lily and Garry. Cheryl and Tre, however, were in a quiet corner, keeping to themselves.

"Why?" he smirked, resting his hand on her hip. She bit her lip, leaning towards him.

"It turns me on." she whispered before pecking his lips. He just laughed, reaching down and pinching her bum. He'd had his hands on her bum a lot more than normal today and she knew it had to do with the stretchy track suit bottoms she had on. 

"You seriously love my bum don't you?" she raised an eyebrow. He just laughed, leaning back against the mirror.

"So silly. I love all of you. The beautiful face, the sexy body, and the absolutely adorable personality." he said. She giggled a bit, draping her other arm around his neck. She pecked his lips, then stood up and held out her hands. He took her hands and stood up, looking at her. He saw the twinkle in her eyes; naughty twinkle.

"What you thinking?" he asked, resting his hands on her hips. She giggled, winking and holding his hand.

"Wait and see." she replied before turning to the others and going, "Me and Tre are going for a walk. Be back in a bit." 

Everyone smiled and nodded at the couple before turning back and chatting again. Cheryl squeezed Tre's hand before leading him down the hall to the toilets. Luckily, the cubicles were made so you couldn't see under the doors or sides. 

"Naughty little thing, aren't you." he smirked as she pulled him into a cubicle by his shirt. She nodded, pushing him against the wall and running her hands up his chest, feeling his muscles through the black wife beater he had on. 

"I can be very naughty." she replied, licking her lips before leaning up a bit, kissing neck. He bit his lip, sliding his hands down to rest on her bum. He then moved back a bit and turned around, pinning her against the wall of the cubicle, keeping both hands on the side of the wall by her head. She looked up at him, getting more and more turned on as she saw the lust in his eyes.

"I want you." she said, draping her arms around his neck.

"I want you too." he replied before kissing her again, sliding her track suit bottoms and knickers down her legs. She gasped into his mouth, feeling his hand slide between her legs...


Tre and Cheryl returned to the rehearsal studio just as everyone was gearing up to start the rehearsal again. After their quick antics in the bathroom, Cheryl had to take her hair down so it would cover the side of her neck, because there was a mark there. Tre had marks on his lower back from when Cheryl had dug her nails into him, but at least they couldn't be seen.

"Nice walk?" Beth asked. She and everyone else were completely oblivious to what the two had actually been doing, which was a good thing because they didn't need the looks. 'Good job we got back here on time.' Cheryl thought to herself as she looked up at Beth.

"Yeah it was nice." she said, smiling as she felt Tre tap her bum. She looked up at him and winked, making him laugh a bit as he went to get into position. Cheryl got herself into position as well, prepared to rehearse Call My Name.

"Alright...go!" Beth shouted once she'd started the music. The music got started and Cheryl got to dancing whilst singing, 

"How'd you think I feel when you call my name, you got me confused by the way I change..."

All through the song, she and Tre kept sneaking glances at each other. She even felt Tre tap her bum one time and it made her smile. Once the song was done, she went straight into Tre's arms as Beth went over to see what they had to rehearse next. 

"I love you." he said, smiling at her. She smiled back, leaning up and gently kissing his lips.

"I love you too, babe." she replied, stroking his arms gently...

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