Part 85

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Part 85


"Miss Cole, can you hear me?"

"Cheryl, wake up, open your eyes for me?"

She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. She could hear them but she couldn't open her eyes, she couldn't move for them. It was like she was frozen, except she was on fire.

"I'm fine!" she screamed in her head.

She heard the loud beep of the machines. 'What is happening?' she asked herself.

"Cheryl; come on sweetheart don't leave us." it was her doctor. She tried harder to open her eyes but she couldn't. It was too much effort.

"Help her; that's my girlfriend and I can't lose her!"

She knew the American voice anywhere; it was Tre. What was he doing here? They weren't together when she got malaria. Unless..

"I think it's a lot worse this time round." another nurse said.

"Don't let me die!" she screamed in her head. She didn't have the energy to speak or open her eyes or even move; she felt weaker than ever.

"Miss Cole!" another doctor shouted. She felt herself slipping away; she didn't want to die.

"No!" she screamed in her head, feeling herself falling into darkness...


She jumped awake, sitting upright in bed, the cold air of the room mixing with the thin film of sweat covering her sin, giving her chill bumps. She pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to calm herself down as she ran her fingers through her hair. She hasn't dreamed about malaria in two years and she knew it wasn't coming back, so why did she even dream it? It scared her.

She looked to the side of her, seeing Tre moving a bit. She quietly slipped out of bed and went to the en suite, shutting the door behind her. She splashed some cold water on her face before just looking in the mirror.

"You're okay, Cheryl." she whispered to herself. She took a few deep breaths, then slipped out of the en suite and went back to the bed. She slipped into bed and cuddled straight up to Tre, causing him to move about and wrap his arm tight around her. She kissed his chest, cuddling into him.

"Babe; why are you shaking?"

She looked up, seeing that Tre had woken up and was now watching her with a concerned frown on his face. She swallowed, sitting up slightly.

"I just had a bad dream." she replied, pulling her knees up to her chest. He sat up, draping her arm around her waist, kissing the side of her head.

"Wanna talk about it?" he asked, stroking her side gently. She sighed, putting her head on his shoulder.

"I dreamt that the malaria came back and that I was dying, and there was no coming back. You were shouting for them to help me and everything, and it was just scary." she said, shaking her head.

Tre hugged her tighter, kissing her forehead. He'd never asked her much about her malaria, but he knew it was bad and he almost didn't meet her, ever. He'd read bits of her book but not much, and he wondered if she would tell him about it.

"What was it like?" he asked, never having had a near death experience before.

"What was what like? Malaria?" she asked. He nodded so she carried on.

"Scary as hell; you feel really week and tired and you can't move, and it's just frightening. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe on my own, my organs were shutting down, there was a load of parasites in my blood; and then what made it worse was the fact that I was laying there, not able to move or speak or even open my eyes, but I could still hear them talking, and they were saying one time; 'Shes not getting any better, I don't know if we should keep the machines on' or something, and Derek and my mam would not let them touch the machines..." she swallowed a bit before carrying on talking..

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