Chapter 41

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"What the *Duck* do you think you're playing at, Tre?!"

Tre moved the phone away from his ear, his jaw tightening as his father shouted down the phone. Cheryl saw his face and frowned slightly. She wandered up to him, reaching up and putting an arm around his neck.

"What is it?" she asked.

"My father." Tre rolled his eyes as he put the phone back up to his ear. He moved Cheryl's arm from around his neck before lightly kissing her hand, then he started talking.

"Yo hold up man, don't start screaming at me! I didn't say anything to Tabby about moving with you. She's grown and she can do whatever she wants to do, but maybe she realizes who you really are!" he replied, his hand curling into a fist. He looked around, resisting the urge to punch one of the walls in Cheryl's house.

"Look Walter, I know you-" he was saying, but Tre cut him off.

"Don't call me that." he said. Cheryl was staring at him, biting her lip. She'd never seem him that mad before.

"I'll call you what I want. Now look Walter, I know you're p!ssed off at me but it was almost nine years ago, get over it! You're my son, I'm your father, squash all this and stop turning everyone against me." Junior said.

"Stop turning everyone against you?! Dude please; I told you I hadn't said anything to Tabby, and honestly what akes you think she'll listen to me?" he questioned. Junior didn't reply so Tre went on.

"And besides, how am I going to turn anyone against you? The whole family's hated you since you left us with nothing and went off to your little girlfriend who you've tried to get me and Tabs to call 'stepmom' for years now. Tabby's the only one who's kept a relationship with you and given you a chance, but she draws a line when you say something about me. Now accuse me all you want, but before you point fingers, did you even ask Tabby why she didn't want to move with you?" he said. Junior sighed slightly.

"N-no I didn't. She said she didn't want to, and I just got angry and thought it was your fault, that you'd been talking her out of it. She went off on me when I accused you." he replied.

"Then maybe you should ask her and let her explain, and not point fingers at me just because I can't stand you." Tre suggested, leaning against the wall, looking at Cheryl who was kneeling down and messing with the dogs now.

"I'm sorry son, I am. Listen, I'll-" he was saying but Tre hung up on him. He then sent a text off to Tabby.

<<Tre: He'd better not call me again, Tabs, I swear. I told him off and he's gonna call you back and let you explain. Don't be hard headed like me. xo>>

<<Tabby: If he doesn't be an ass, I'll be nice. No promises though because I am your little sister! Love you bro and see you soon! xo>>

<<Tre: See you soon sis! Love you too! xo>>

"Everything okay?" Cheryl asked, standing up properly. Tre nodded, pulling her into his arms. She snuggled into him, hugging him tightly with her head on his chest. He tightened his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"You make everything so much better." he whispered, feeling himself calming down, She smiled slightly, leaning up a bit and pecking his lips.

"Don't be so mad baby, he's not worth it." she said, lightly scratching her nails over his lower back, through his shirt. Tre just shrugged slightly before kissing her head.

"It just sucks, but whatever." he said before kissing her head once more. The two stayed like that for a little bit longer, then Cheryl pulled away from him.

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