Chaper 102

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Part 102


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now Cheryl and Tre's holiday was only two days shy of being over. They'd had such a good time together, just lounging around and being lazy and enjoying each other. It was no doubt that the holiday had brought them closer together, and now they actually couldn't wait to spend more time together at Tre's workshops.

Later that night, Tre and Cheryl were fast asleep in bed, only to be woken up by the sound of Cheryl's phone buzzing loudly on the bedside table. Cheryl groaned and rolled over, grabbing the phone and sleepily answering, "Hello?"

"Babe, it's Lily! Get up; you need to come home right now." it took as second to register that it was actually Lily's voice. Cheryl sighed slightly though she was concerned.

"What's going on?" she asked, sitting up a bit.

"Garry's been in an accident. I've booked us both flights so all you'll have to do is go to the airport and show them your license and passport and they'll know. I'll see you when we get home." Lily was saying, but Cheryl wasn't registering..

She'd stopped listening after she heard that Garry had been in an accident.

Was he going to be okay? She and Garry were thick as thieves, always getting into trouble together like the couple of Tweedy siblings that they were. They were more than brother and sister; they were the best of friends and Cheryl didn't know what she'd do without him. She felt a couple of tears as the worst case scenario began to play in her head; her brother possibly dying before she got to him.

"Cheryl!" Lily shouted, making her jump.

"I-I heard you; I'll see you at home." she gulped before hanging up. She scrambled out of bed, waking Tre up in the process.

"Baby what's going on?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. She sniffled a bit before answering.

"We need to go; Garry's been in an accident and Lily's got us a flight home and-" she was saying but ended up bursting into tears. Tre rushed to the other side of the bed and pulled her into his arms, kissing her head repeatedly. She clung to him like a little child, crying harder as she was extremely worried about her brother.

"What if he's not okay?" she sobbed.

"Don't think like that. Come on let's get going." Tre whispered before kissing her head again. He then let her go so she could get changed while he got their things together. Cheryl threw on a pair of shorts and a vest top before slipping her feet into her flip flops. Once Tre got changed, the two made sure they'd gathered up everything before wandering out...


*Hours Later*

Hours that felt like days passed before they finally landed at Heathrow. As she knew it had been really cold in the UK lately, Cheryl had changed into a comfy tracksuit and her Uggs while Tre was in jeans and a long sleeved top and hoodie. Cheryl had on Tre's tour hoodie, feeling snug and warm as she held onto him as they got off the plane. They went around the back to their waiting car before getting in.

"Have you heard anything, Lee?" Cheryl asked her driver, wondering if he'd heard anything. He shook his head as he started towards the hospital.

"Nothing sweetheart; I'm sorry." he sighed sadly, making Cheryl sigh as well as she snuggled into Tre. Soon enough, they pulled up at the hospital. Lee parked the car and they all got out, then wandered off inside. Cheryl went straight up to reception, catching the attention of the secretary.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm looking for Garry Tweedy." Cheryl replied. The nurse clicked around on the computer before looking up.

"Intensive Care; room thirteen." she replied. Cheryl thanked her then wandered up with Tre and Lee. She saw no one in the waiting room so she poked her head into Garry's room, her heart breaking when she saw all the wires attached to him. She noticed her mother sitting there, just staring out the window. She dropped Tre's hand and went in, hugging her mother tightly. Joan hugged her back, kissing her cheek.

"He'll be alright won't he?" Cheryl said as the tears fell down her face. Joan wiped her tears away with her thumb.

"Be strong pet, he'll be alright." she said. Cheryl nodded, looking up as Tre wandered over and gave Joan a hug. Lee decided to leave them alone for a bit, so he told Cheryl that he'd go and take hers and Tre's stuff to the house. Cheryl nodded, cuddling into Tre as she sat on his lap on the chair beside Garry's bed.

"Come on bro, wake up." Cheryl whispered, holding onto Garry's hand. She stroked it gently with her thumb, looking at him.

"Remember when I came back from Tanzania after I climbed the mountain? You were still saying how stupid it was but that you were proud of me because it was for a good cause. Then remember how we laughed after I was getting over the malaria, because only I could go there and climb a mountain to prevent it then catch it myself.." she giggled a bit, sniffling as she did so.

"Remember when we were kids, and mam caught us wagging off; she took all our toys and we thought it was the end of the world." she giggled again as more tears slipped down her cheeks. Tre kissed her cheek, gently stroking her tummy as his arm was around her waist. She snuggled into him, still holding her brother's hand.

"Please wake up, Garry; please." she whispered, watching her brother through a haze of tears...


Cheryl woke up the next morning, snuggled into Tre with her legs across his lap. Somehow she'd led go of Garry's hand during the night and her hand was resting in her lap. She looked up, seeing that nothing had changed; Garry was still in his coma.

"No movement or anything?" she looked up at Tre and over at her mother.

"I only just woke up." Tre replied.

"None pet." Joan chimed in as she looked up from the window. Cheryl sighed, reaching over and grabbing Garry's hand.

"Come on-" she was going to say but stopped when the machines started beeping louder around them. What was happening?

Doctors and nurses started rushing in. Cheryl, Tre, and Joan were rushed out of the room and the door was shut behind them. Cheryl stood there, clinging onto Tre and Joan. The minutes felt like hours before the doctor finally wandered out.

"We've stabilized him but Miss Callaghan, as his mother, the next move is your call. He is on life support and we will keep him there until you make the decision to turn it off." he explained. Joan didn't reply, Tre was in shock, but it was Cheryl who took it harder. She pushed past the doctor and went into the room, gripping Garry's hand.

"Garry Tweedy you are so much stronger; wake up, wake up please for me! I'll do anything to hear you call me a complete pain in the ass again, I'll do anything to have you shove me, I'll just do anything to have you back. Please Garry, please!" she sobbed. She barely acknowledged the fact that Tre had come in and pulled her against him, she just cried even more. Joan gently stroked her back, trying to stay strong herself, trying not to show how scared she was that, yet again, she was close to losing one of her youngest children...

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