Chapter 30

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'Just one of them days, that a girl goes through, when I'm angry inside, don't wanna take it out on you...'

Cheryl groaned slightly and rolled over, grabbing her phone and shutting off the alarm. She then squinted at the screen, looking at the time...'5:45'. She sat up, sighing slightly as she rubbed her eyes. Their flight was leaving at seven-thirty, so they had to get up and start getting ready.

"Tre." she said, hitting his arm a few times. He stirred slightly, opening his eyes a bit.

"Yo?" he replied, rubbing his eyes as he lay there. 

"Time to get up. Flight leaves in an hour and a half." she said, going to get out of bed. Tre groaned slightly and leaned up on his elbow, watching Cheryl for a second as she went onto Twitter. He watched her smile for bit, then put her phone aside before turning to face him. He opened his mouth to speak, but she put her fingers to his lips.

"If you go in the shower with me, we'll never leave here; not that I want to leave but we do have work to do." she giggled before leaning down and pecking his lips. He pulled away from her and laughed, giving her a gentle squeeze before watching her go off to the bathroom. He then got out of bed himself, pulling on some basketball shorts and his shirt before going out of the room, going off downstairs. He wandered into the kitchen, jumping a bit when he saw his mother sitting at the table, drinking a cup of coffee and watching the flatscreen TV that was on the wall in there.

"Mom...what are you doing up?" he asked, knowing that his mother was never up that early. She turned and smiled slightly at him.

"Oh, morning baby. Nothing, just couldn't get back to sleep...and I know today's the day that you and Cheryl leave." she sighed slightly. Tre frowned a bit, pouring himself a cup of coffee before wandering over and sitting at the table with her. He reached over and took her hand, squeezing gently.

"Mom please don't be upset. I'll call you the second we get to LA, and I'll be back soon...either for Christmas or for New Years." he said. She smiled at him and squeezed his hand in return.

"Oh sweetie I know you'll be back; you know I'm always like this when you're about to leave though. I think I'm more upset this time because I was just getting to know Cheryl and all that, so I'll be missing both of you." she said, making Tre laugh a bit.

"Someone's gotten quite attached to my girlfriend." he joked, taking a sip of his coffee. Shirley laughed.

"Well I have. Tre, my goodness she's just so sweet. I've never met anyone that nice before. Tabs said that she was super nice but yeah, she's just...just so cute, and so normal too. Usually stars are just stuck up, but Cheryl fits right in." she said, making Tre chuckle as he thought about his girlfriend.

"And that's why I love her." he winked before finishing off his coffee. Shirley just laughed.

"Well good, because the family loves her too." she winked back. Tre just laughed, nodding before heading back off upstairs. Just as he entered the guest room, Cheryl was wandering out of the en suite bathroom in just a towel. Tre shut the door behind him and looked her up and down. She looked up and caught him staring, and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't even think about it." she said, holding her towel closed with one hand as she reached down and pulled her bag up onto the bed. Tre just laughed.

"I wasn't thinking about anything." he smirked, smacking her bum before going off to the bathroom. She just laughed, pulling on her knickers and her bra before getting dressed for the day; dark blue skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with 'Think Pink' written across the front in big pink letters, and a pair of black stiletto lace-up half boots. She then put on some make up; a bit of blusher, some eye-liner, eye-shadow to give her eyes the smokey effect, and some bright red strawberry flavored lip gloss. Just as she was brushing her hair out, Tre wandered out of the bathroom in just a towel. Cheryl looked up at him through the mirror, biting her lip. He saw her and smirked.

"Don't even think about it." he mimicked her accent, making her pout.

"*Duck* off." she said, making him laugh as he pulled on his boxers. He then got dressed for the day; baggy blue jeans, black and white Converse trainers and a white t-shirt. Once he was dressed, he sorted their bags out, getting them all packed up.

"Bags are all packed up and stuff." he said, wandering up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled, finishing with her hair before turning around in his arms. She leaned up and pecked his lips.

"Hm..I don't want to leave." she pouted slightly, putting her hands on his chest. He smiled sadly, kissing her forehead. 

"I know baby, I don't want to leave either. Hey, we'll come back one time though, won't we." he winked, making her giggle as she nodded. He smiled at her then kissed her forehead again, before taking their bags off downstairs. She put her stuff into her handbag, then pulled on her leather jacket before grabbing her handbag and phone, then she headed off downstairs. She glanced at her phone, checking the time...'6:55'

"Ready to go baby?" Tre asked, making her look up. She shrugged slightly.

"I guess." she sighed. Shirley was standing in the hallway. Soon enough, Tabby wandered down the stairs. She wandered straight up to Cheryl and Tre, hugging them both as tight as she could.

"Tre, bring her back here, please." she said, making him laugh.

"Trust me, I'll be bringing her back." he said before kissing his sister's forehead. Tabby smiled, then hugged Cheryl one more time, giving her a squeeze.

"Look after my brother." she winked. Cheryl nodded, winking back.

"I'll look after him." she said, laughing a bit. Tabby smiled, kissing her cheek before pulling away from her. Shirley them moved in, hugging them both. 

"Oh you two, I've really enjoyed you. Tre, you keep a hold of this girl, alright. Cheryl, don't let my boy drive you insane. If he does anything to upset you, call me and I'll have a word." she said, half joking half serious. The couple laughed, pulling away from her. Tre then leaned down and kissed his mother's cheek. 

"Alright guys, we're off." he said as he and Cheryl wandered off outside. Shirley and Tabby followed them to their waiting car, then once Tre had gotten the bags into the boot, they all had one last group hug.

"Have a safe flight you two." Shirley said, linking her arm through Tabby's as they watched them get into the car. Once they were in, Cheryl and Tre waved one more time before their car started on the road, towards Philadelphia to go to the airport...

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