Chapter 43

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"Alright..bye." Lily said down the phone before looking up.

Cheryl was looking at her, clearly concerned. She had been worried about Tre all day, and now she anxious to know what was up.

"Okay, so he's got fluid around his knee right, and it's bruised up on the inside. They say he can just rest and it'll heal but they don't know how long it'll take." Lily explained. Cheryl just sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Who's gonna fill in then?" she asked. Lily shrugged before standing up and wandering off down the hall. Cheryl rolled her eyes again, shaking her head and pouting.

"*Duck* it. I just want to say *Duck* it, and go home, and cuddle up with Tre and all that." she pouted. Lisa gently rubbed her shoulder.

"Just breathe, okay." she said. Cheryl took a couple deep breaths, still pouting slightly.

"I can't do this without him." she sighed, biting her lip. Lisa gently rubbed her shoulder.

"It'll be alright sweetheart, and you know Tre wouldn't want you to be like this." she said. Cheryl just sighed again, looking at her phone as it lit up. She had a new text; 'Tre'

<<Tre: I am so sorry baby girl xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Baby don't apologize; it's fine...accidents happen xxxx>>

<<Tre: But I wanted to be there for you baby, as its opening night and all :/ Guess I should listen to you more often ay? :P xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: It's alright baby...just you being in the audience will give me a boost. I love you <3 And yes you should listen to me more xxxx>>

<<Tre: I love you too baby girl..and I'm sorry again :/ And ha I'll listen next time right I'm proud of you though princess. You know that right? Xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Yeah I know xxxx>>

<<Tre: Anyways I'll be back at the arena in a bit baby! Love you xxxx>>

<<Cheryl: Okay! Love you too babe xxxx>>

Cheryl put her phone to the side, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths as she did some thinking...


"Cheryl..someone wants to see their silly girl."

Cheryl looked up, seeing Lily poking her head in and Tre walking through. She smiled slightly, opening her arms even though Lisa was standing behind her, helping to get her mic pack on properly. Tre wandered over and placed his hands on her cheeks, kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry." he said, resting his head against hers. She pecked his lips, reaching up and putting her hands over his.

"Shh...don't." she said. He pecked her lips again then let go of her. The couple did their little 'handshake' ritual, then Tre wandered off out of the room. Cheryl sighed slightly to herself, fiddling with her fingers as Lisa finished up with her hair and everything. Now, it was time to head towards the stage.

"You ready, Chezza?" Lily asked as they started walking down the corridor together. Cheryl but her lip, shrugging.

"Maybe, I don't know." she giggled slightly. Just then, Brya and Brandee wandered up to her.

"Ready Chez?" they asked, walking with them.

"I don't know." Cheryl replied as they joined the other dancers. They huddled up, saying a little prayer before going on with the ritual. After the chant, Cheryl started walking up the stairs to the lift. It was time.

"Good luck Chezza!" Lily called before running off down the hall with Beth, Charm, and Fatima. Cheryl just rolled her eyes, standing on the lift. She heard the screams and shouts; the lights came on and the lift started going up. No turning back now. With her hands on her hips, the lift reached the top. She saw the thousands of fans; she was in the zone.

"Sexy den a mutha, mutha.."



Cheryl giggled, running backstage and straight to Lily, squeezing her. The show had just come to an end and everyone was on a high. Everything had gone great, and even through Tre had been in the audience, Cheryl still felt his prescience and it put her at ease.

"I'm so proud of you, God." Lily was about to cry as she squeezed Cheryl even tighter. Cheryl just couldn't help but laugh as she squeezed her as well.

"I'm proud of myself babe. Thank you." she said. The two them pulled apart and hugs were shared between everyone else. Finally, Cheryl got to Tre and hugged him as tight as possible, kissing his cheek. He smiled, squeezing her and kissing her head.

"I'm so proud of you, baby girl." he said before pecking her lips. She smiled up at him, touching her nose to his.

"Thanks baby." she winked before kissing him again. The two then pulled apart, holding hands as they made their way to her dressing room. She went in and shut the door, then Tre pulled her into his arms, holding her against the door. She giggled, looking up at him.

"I still wish you had been up there with me." she said. He pecked her lips, smiling.

"I know baby. Hopefully by the London show, I'll be able to be up there with you."

"And perform Ghetto Baby with me?" she pouted cutely.

"Yes, to perform Ghetto Baby with you." he chuckled before kissing her again. She giggled, then pulled away and wriggled out of his arms. She quickly changed into a pair of jeans and t-shirt, then she pulled on her Uggs and her 'Keep Calm and Soldier On' hoodie. She then took Tre's hand, wandering out of the dressing room with him and going to the lounge. Everyone was in chatting, champagne flowing. Everyone got a glass, then Lily stood up on the sofa, doing a toast.

"Right, I just want to say that judging by tonight, the rest of this tour will be amazing and that I love you all so much. Tour family!" she giggled.

"Tour family!"

Everyone then downed their drinks, having a laugh together...


Later in the night, everyone was relaxing at the hotel as they were tired. Cheryl was cuddled up in bed with Tre; he had his arms around her waist and she had her arm across his stomach. Because of his injury, they couldn't do much else so they were sharing kisses instead.

"Can I have another?" she asked, giggling, their faces still close. He nodded before kissing her again. Once again, she melted under his touch, running her nails down his side, nibbling on his bottom lip as she did so. They were so lost in their kiss, that the sound of Tre's phone beeping actually made them jump.

"Babe your phone." she said after pulling away a bit. He shook his head, kissing her again.

"I'm busy." he mumbled against her lips before carrying on. The phone beeped again, making Cheryl giggle as she pulled away from him.

"Get your phone." she laughed. He just laughed as well, grabbing his phone. He pushed the button and looked at the screen, seeing a new text from Tabby. He frowned, reading the message.

<<Tabby: I'm so scared right now :/ xo>>

<<Tre: What's up sis? xo>>

Tre wasn't even prepared for what Tabby was about to reply with.

<<Tabby: I'm pregnant, and I don't know how to tell mom :/ xo>>

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