Chapter Three

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"Alright, see you tomorrow everyone!"

The dancers gave a wave and started filing out of the rehearsal studio. It was dark out, and now rehearsals were done for the evening. Cheryl, however, wasn't going back to her hotel. She had a change of clothes in her bag, so she was going to Tre's flat.

"Ready beautiful?" Tre asked, watching as she gathered up her stuff. She threw her bag over her shoulder and nodded, wandering up and taking his hand. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before leading her outside to his car. He opened the door for her and helped her in before going round to his side and getting in himself.

"So gorgeous, I've heard that you'll be staying with me tonight?" he raised an eyebrow as he started up his car, making her laugh as she leaned back in her seat and pulled out her phone.

"Um...yeah I think so Mr. Holloway." she winked. Tre smiled, glancing at her before starting on the road. 

"Okay Miss Tweedy, I was just making sure." he winked, making her laugh again. She then pulled her knees up to her chest, signing onto Twitter. She scrolled through her mentions, giggling as she read few.

"We've not even told the world that we're together, but the papers have seen us together and now my mentions are full of 'Ooh Cheryl go on, he's a cutie' or 'Good job getting him Cheryl' and others like, 'I'm glad you're happy Cheryl, and he better not hurt you.'" she laughed. Tre laughed as well, glancing at her.

"Shall we tell them then, like officially?" he asked. She nodded slightly, smiling up at him.

"Yeah, when we get to yours." she said, putting her hand on his knee as he drove...


"Alright, take out's here." Tre announced a little while later. He and Cheryl were at his for the night, and now they were about to have dinner. Cheryl loved Tre's flat; it was just so warm and cost with dark blue carpeting, a little wooden floor on the kitchen part, and two of them being his with an en suite, the other just being a guest room for when his mum or someone visited.

"Good, I'm starving." Cheryl giggled, pulling her knees up as she sat on the sofa. She'd had a shower as soon as she'd gotten there, so now she was wearing her pale yellow  pajama bottoms shorts with little puppies all over, and a matching pale yellow vest top with a giant puppy on the front.

"Drama queen, you only ate a few hours ago." Tre laughed, sorting the food out. Cheryl laughed, standing up.

"Well a few hours ago is a life time." she giggled. Tre just laughed, kissing her head as he tapped her bum.

"Whatever, Chez. Anyway, here's the food, get whatever you want. I'm going for a shower." he said. She nodded, going through the kitchen drawer and getting a fork.

"Okay babe." she smiled. He smiled back before wandering off to his room. Cheryl got herself something to eat before sitting back down on the sofa. She started eating, flipping through the channels as she did so.

"God Tre, you don't watch anything great do you?" she giggled to herself, seeing all the favorited channels involved politics. She found some random channel with a crime show on, so she settled for that. She ended up so into it, that she didn't even notice Tre coming out of his room. 

"Crime shows, ay silly girl?" he asked, making her look up. She gasped at the sight of him; shirtless in just a pair of joggers.

"Um, yeah..I like them." she giggled, moving over so he could sit down. He got himself some food and sat down with her, starting to watch the crime show as well. They ate for a while, just laughing and talking about really random things.

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