Part 94

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Part 94



Tre laughed, hearing Cheryl's gorgeous accent when she answered his call. He'd just landed in LA and now he was in the taxi headed to his apartment. The flight had been the longest flight ever due to the fact that he had been by himself and he was extremely bored without Cheryl sitting beside him, talking about the randomest things. He knew this was going to be a long month for them, but they'd get through it and it would be extra special when they got together again.

"Hey gorgeous. What time is it there?" he asked as he looked at his watch; it was only two-thirty in the afternoon there in Los Angeles.

"It's half ten here babe. We left as soon as I was back from taking you to the airport so we've been here for a while now." she replied. Tre couldn't help but smile slightly; he really missed her but at least she sounded cheerful since they were speaking.

"Are you okay now? I hated to see you crying like that." he sighed slightly, looking up as they pulled up in front of his building.

"Yeah baby I'm fine now; I don't know; I guess recent sh!t with the girls and you leaving just merged together and I just burst into tears." she sighed slightly, making him pout. He thanked the taxi driver and got his bags out before walking towards the entrance of his building.

"Oh babe; you know you can call me at any time right?" he asked, nodding his head at the doorman of his building as he walked up the steps.

"I know baby; I'll be fine though so don't you dare be out there worrying about me, you big dope." she giggled, finally making him smile properly as he heard her cute little giggle.

"Well then you can't be out there worrying about me either." he joked, making her laugh. The two carried on chatting, even as Tre headed inside and went up to his apartment and got settled. They hadn't even realized that they'd been talking for an hour as Tre rummaged around his place, talking with her while unpacking some stuff and putting the needed stuff into his other bag to take to Boston on Thursday.

"So where do you go next?" Cheryl asked, referring to his workshops. Tre flopped down onto his bed, kicking off his shoes and laying back.

"Boston; I go there on Thursday; workshops are Friday and Saturday. I'm tired already just thinking about it." he laughed, making Cheryl laugh as well.

"Lazy bones!" she teased before yawning, making Tre laugh as he'd heard her.

"Tired baby?" he asked.

"Yes I am." she said, making him laugh as he looked up at the clock; '3:45PM'

"Oh baby; get some rest. Shall I call you tomorrow or will call ring me or?" he asked.

"I'll call you; keep in mind that I'm total sh!t at this time difference but I can work it out. Love you baby." she giggled cutely.

"Bless it'll be already; I'll wake up at any given time of the night just to hear your sweet voice. Love you too sexy girl." he replied, smiling widely as he heard her cute giggle.

"Night night baby boy." she said.

"Goodnight beautiful." he replied. The two blew kisses at each other before hanging up. Tre dragged his hand down his face, groaning loudly.

"Jesus it's gonna be a long month." he mumbled to himself as he closed his eyes, images of her dancing around in his head...


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