Chapter Two

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Sunlight poured through the windows the next morning as the alarm clock on Cheryl's phone started blaring, waking the couple up from their sleep. Cheryl sighed slightly, rolling out of the comfort of Tre's arms and reaching over to grab her phone. She pushed the button and shut it off, then rolled back over, smiling at Tre who was smiling back.

"Good morning beautiful." he said, reaching over and stroking her cheek. She blushed slightly.

"Good morning." she smiled, shuffling closer and putting her arm around his neck. She was just about to kiss him when her door opened. She jumped, looking over and seeing Lily, who was backing out of the doorway.

"Sorry, I didn't know he stayed the night." she laughed. Cheryl just laughed and looked back at her man.

"I'll be right back." she smiled. Tre nodded, laughing as well. Cheryl hopped out of bed and wandered off to her PA's bedroom.

"You just wanted to catch a glimpse of his body, I know. He's mine though, so back off." she smirked, half joking and half serious. Lily laughed, shaking her head. 

"Noo I literally didn't know he'd spent the night. But since you mentioned it, you obviously don't mind waking up to that." she smirked back, sitting down on her bed. Cheryl laughed, rolling her eyes.

"I don't, seriously. Ah he's so great." she grinned, sitting down beside her friend. Lily laughed, looking at her.

"Have you two...yanno...yet? Two become one?" she asked. Cheryl bit her lip, shaking her head and giggling slightly. Lily tilted her head to the side.

"Are you ready?" she asked. Cheryl hesitated for a second, then nodded.

"Yeah, I am. I don't know if he is though, and I'm not gonna push him." she said, standing up. Lily stood up as well, hugging her.

"Oh I bet he's ready. Look, I bet it'll happen soon. Just be careful." she winked. Cheryl just laughed, wandering off to her room. Tre was laying there, staring at the ceiling. He looked over at her and smiled, making her smile back as she climbed back onto the bed. 

"Everything okay?" he asked, pulling her into his arms. She nodded, kissing his cheek.

"Everything's perfect." she smiled, making him smile back as he leaned in, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss...


Later in the day, tour rehearsals were in full swing. Cheryl was doing a lot of dancing, and flirting with Tre as well, finding reasons to touch him. She'd walk up and lightly scratch her nails down his back, or she's poke his arm, anything. Tre was doing the same; walking past her and lightly stroking her bum, or when they'd dance together and his arm had to be around her, he'd stroke her stomach and run his fingers over her belly button, making her shudder as she tried to keep her cool. Now, however, they were outside on the roof of the rehearsal studios, taking a break. Cheryl looked over at Tre and smirked, making him chuckle slightly.

"What?" he mouthed, leaning back against the wall. Cheryl grinned and crawled over to him before sitting up on her knees.

"Hi." she giggled all cute like. Tre just laughed, placing his hands on her waist and pulling her closer.

"Hey punk." he joked. She gasped in mock shock, pouting.

"You just called me a punk." she sat on her bum, folding her arms across her chest in that adorable childlike manner. He laughed, pulling her closer so that she was sat between his legs. 

"I'm sorry silly girl." he said, kissing her nose. She smiled, scrunching her nose up. She then sat up and smacked his chest, before leaning in and kissing his soft lips. He kissed back, gently stroking her side. He then pulled away, realizing that the other dancers were watching them and laughing.

"Babe we've got an audience." he laughed, nodding his head at them. Cheryl looked and saw them, her face almost instantly going red. She turned and buried her face into Tre's chest, going embarrassed. He wrapped his arms back around her, kissing the top of her head.

"Aw you're so cute." he laughed as he stroked her arms. She giggled up at him, giving him the loving look that he was so familiar with. He touched his nose to hers, still smiling. She smiled back, before standing up and holding out her hands. Tre just grabbed her hands and stood up before sliding his arms around her waist.

"What you doing to me, woman?" he asked as Cheryl ran her hands up and down his chest a few times. She smirked, sliding her hands down to his six-pack and tickling him slightly. He laughed and pulled her hands away, pulling her close again. They both looked and noticed that the other dancers were now chatting amongst themselves, so Tre leaned down and kissed her gently. Cheryl smiled into it, her heart soaring as she kissed him back, her arms around his neck.

"Hmm, my silly girl is a fantastic kisser." he winked once they'd pulled apart. She giggled, tapping his nose.

"Well my teddy bear is an even better kisser." she winked back. Tre smiled, before scooping her up into his arms and twirling her around, making her squeal with laughter. The other dancers heard them and looked over, and they couldn't help but smile. It was so nice to see Cheryl happy again, all thanks to Tre.

"That's the happiest I've seen her in ages." Beth said, nodding her head at them.

"I know. Good to see those dimples back, isn't it." said one of the dancers, looking at Beth. She nodded, smiling as she looked back over at Cheryl and Tre.

"It certainly is." she said, watching them with a smile...

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