Part 113

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Part 113


The sunlight poured through the curtains the next morning, instantly shedding light on the sleeping couple who had fallen asleep just after one in the morning, finally worn out after four rounds of passionate love making. Cheryl lay with her head resting on Tre's bare chest, her legs interlocked with his under the blankets. Tre lay with his head back on the pillow and one hand on his stomach, his other arm wrapped around Cheryl's tiny waist, keeping her safe and warm.

It was only when the birds started chirping noisily outside the window did the couple start to move around; Cheryl's nails lightly scratching down his side while his hand gently stroked down her side to her hip. Cheryl lightly kissed his chest up to his neck and to his jawline before finally settling on his lips, moaning contently into his mouth as his hands instantly found her bum and squeezed gently. She moved so that she was straddling him, cupping his face in her hands as he moved his hands up over her back, tracing the top of her back tattoo with his fingers as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. She moaned quietly, stroking his tongue with her own before pulling away to gasp as he suddenly slipped into her again, reigniting every single flame of desire that had been flickering away the night before.

"God you feel good." he whispered as he kissed down her neck before biting down gently at the sensitive spot, making her groan as she dug her nails into his shoulder. Once again, he found the spot that made her melt, causing her to let out loud moan as she stroked the back of his head, letting him kiss down to her chest. She moved in time with him, moaning louder as he began sucking at her chest, making her feel like she was on cloud nine.

"That feels amazing." she gasped as he kissed his way back up to her neck. He smiled before moving up to her lips, kissing her deeply as she kept grinding her hips against him. She suddenly pulled away, letting out a loud moan as he rolled then over and moved faster, causing her to bite her lip and tilt her head back as she felt herself coming close to a powerful orgasm.

"Oh god, baby!" she suddenly screamed as the nerve tingling orgasm shot through her, leaving her breathless as her body trembled. She suddenly moaned again as Tre groaned, releasing inside of her before laying down on top of her, panting as he wrapped his arms around her. She wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing his sweaty forehead as he had his head resting on her chest.

The couple lay there for a few seconds, just stroking each other's backs as they tried to get their breath back. Cheryl moaned again as Tre pulled out of her, then smiled as he gently kissed her lips, giving her a squeeze.

"Good morning, wife." he smiled, making her dimples come out and her face light up as she pecked his lips.

"Good morning, husband." she smiled back before kissing his lips again, stroking her finger down his nose. He took her hand and kissed it before moving down and kissing her stomach.

"And good morning to you too, baby Holloway." he smiled, making Cheryl's heart melt as she watched him kiss her tummy again. She put her own hand there, stroking her still flat tummy with her thumb.

"Morning baby Holloway." she grinned before glancing at her engagement ring, smiling even more.

"God I can't get over it." she started giggling, wriggling her fingers around as the sunlight hit the diamonds, making them sparkle. Tre just laughed before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"Come on, I'll get you some breakfast." he said. She shook her head, sitting up and pushing him back down.

"No; I'm making you breakfast. You do more than enough for me so now it's my turn." she said. He just smiled, nodding at her before kissing her cheek. She smiled back at him and pecked his lips before getting up and pulling on her knickers and his shirt, then wandered out of the bedroom.

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