Part 89

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Part 89


Rehearsals ended at four on the dot, so after saying goodbye and such, Cheryl left with Tre, Garry, and Lily in tow. After dropping them both off at their apartments, she and Tre went back to hers. They headed straight inside and were instantly greeted by Coco and Buster, who were just as happy as Cheryl was to have Tre back.

"Are these for me?" Cheryl asked once they'd walked into the kitchen, having spotted a dozen red roses there on the table. He nodded, going over and picking them up.

"Read the note." he smiled, making her smile back as she took the flowers. She pulled the note off, having a read;

'Silly silly girl,

Happy Valentines Day to the most gorgeous girl in the world! I feel so blessed to have you in my life and I literally thank God for you every single day. I love you so much princess and I hope that we'll be spending many more Valentines Days together! All my love, Tre xxxx'

"Aw baby; you are so cute!" she squealed, putting the flowers down and hugging him tightly again. He laughed, lifting her up and spinning her around.

"I love you." he said once he'd put her down. She smiled widely, kissing him gently.

"I love you too, so much." she replied, staring into his eyes. He kissed her nose, making her scrunch it up cutely as she stroked his cheeks with her thumb. She pecked his lips one more time, then let go and picked up her flowers.

"God I'm so glad you're here; I can't wait to sleep in your arms again." she giggled cutely as she filled up a vase with water and put the flowers in. He smiled, leaning against the counter top.

"I can't wait to wake up to that beautiful face." he winked, making her pout cutely. She put the vase by the window then wandered up to him, draping her arms around his neck and kissing him gently. He smiled against her lips, squeezing her bum gently before lifting her up. She giggled, wrapping her legs around his waist before pulling away, still holding her arms around his neck as he was holding her up.

"A whole month and nothing's even changed. Gah!" she giggled, stroking the back of his head. He laughed, pecking her lips.

"Nothing's ever gonna change baby; no matter how long we're apart." he smiled, making her giggle as she hugged him tightly. He spun her around, making her squeal with laughter as she clung on to him, never wanting to let him go...


Later that night, the couple were ready to go out and meet up with Kimberley and Justin. Cheryl wore a fitted white dress and bright red heels, and her hair was slicked back into a neat ponytail. She put on some eyeliner and mascara, then put on some bright red lipstick. Tre was wearing a pair of black pants, a black shirt with a tie, black shoes and his black and white varsity jacket.

"Damn my girl is stunning." he said as he watched her come down the stairs. She grave him her trademark wink, then grabbed her bright red purse and threw some money in, as well as her phone, and lipstick.

"Ready?" she asked. He nodded, holding her hand and walking outside to their waiting car...


"Kimba; J." Cheryl smiled once they'd gotten to the restaurant. They made their way over to the table, making Kimberley and Justin stand up.

"Hey you two." Kimberley said, standing up and hugging her best friend.

"Sup mate; hello annoyance to society." Justin greeted, joking with Cheryl, making Tre laugh and making Cheryl pout. Justin smirked and gave Tre a handshake before holding out his fist for Cheryl. Cheryl fist bumped him then stuck up her finger, making them all laugh as they sat down together.

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