Chapter 34

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Part 34


"One more time with that bit, Chez."

Cheryl sighed slightly, frowning. She was starting to get sick of rehearsal, but there was a bit in Ghetto Baby that she was having trouble with; Tre would have to hold her hips and they'd have to grind together. 

"I'm tired of this." she mumbled as Beth went to start the music again. Tre was stood behind her, holding her hips.

"Hm I know how you can get it this time." he said. She frowned slightly, looking up at him.

"How?" she asked. He leaned down and moved her hair, lightly kissing her ear.

"Think about earlier, in the bathroom." he whispered. Cheryl bit her lip, her mind instantly flooded with images of their antics in the bathroom earlier.

'Tre's warm body against hers..

Tre's lips on her neck...

Tre's hands on her hips...



That was it, that was the key; be extremely sexy and make it as dirty as possible.

"Go!" Beth shouted, starting the music. They waited till the song got to the part...

"You give me butterflies, heart skipping one two.."

And during that bit, with one hand on Tre's hand and the other in her hair, Cheryl ground her hips along with Tre's. The way he'd squeezed her side; this had been perfect. They'd gotten it this time, they knew it.

"Got it!" Beth said, clapping. Cheryl clapped as well before turning to Tre.

"We did it." she laughed, putting her hands on his arms. He laughed as well as he rested his hands on her bum.

"You're so perfect." he said, smiling at her. She shook her head, draping her arms around his neck.

"Nah." she said. She then pecked his lips before going to get her bag together. Rehearsals were over so she couldn't wait to chill with Tre for the night. She was going to his again, but this time she has extra clothes. After a goodbye to the other dancers, and Lily and Beth and Garry, Cheryl and Tre made their way outside.

"God, that dance..." he said as he opened the car door for her. She giggled, looking over as be got into the car himself.

"What about it?" she asked.

"I don't know how I'm gonna dance that close to you every night." he said as he started the engine. She smirked, reaching over and resting her hand on his thigh.

"Someone having naughty thoughts about me?" she raised an eyebrow. He smirked, pulling out the parking space.

"I always am." he replied...


The couple had only just walked into Tre's flat when they were all over each other again. Tre managed to shut and lock the door, then he grabbed Cheryl's waist, pulling her closer and kissing her as he pushed her up against the door. She moaned into his mouth as he pressed himself against her, pushing his tongue into her mouth as he did so. She nibbled on his bottom lip before pulling away, resting her head against his. They were both breathing heavily. 

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