Chapter 67

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Part 67


Tre woke up the next morning, only to find Cheryl sound asleep on his chest. The power was still out so the only light now was the light streaming through the windows, which wasn't that much but it was enough. The rain and wind were still going, with rain hitting against the window.

Sighing to himself, he looked back at Cheryl. She looked so peaceful, as if she didn't have a care in the world. His mind went back to the other day, when she started crying over people being horrible about him on Twitter. She seemed to be fragile at the moment and Tre was a bit worried about her. He wondered if there was something else wrong that she wasn't telling him. 

He looked again as she started moving, smiling in her sleep and mumbling. He listened closely, making out what she was saying. 

"Hmm I love you little teddy bear." she mumbled, holding him tight. He smiled as he watched her, kissing the top of her head and stroking her arm. Her skin was so soft and he loved the feel of it beneath his fingertips. He reached up and ran his hand through her hair, feeling the soft brunette locks between his fingers.

"Hmm; why'd you wake me up?" she mumbled, making him look down. She was looking up at him with an adorable sleepy smile.

"I'm sorry baby, go back to sleep." he said. She shook her head, sitting up slightly and yawning.

"I'm awake now...plonker." she giggled slightly, poking his chest. He laughed, taking her hand and interlocking fingers with her.

"Your hands are tiny." he said, playing with her hand. She giggled cutely.

"Well I'm tiny so of course my hand will be tiny." she said in a cute voice that made him laugh.

"Well you're adorable. I love you, princess." he said as he stroked her cheek. She reached up and took his hand, her fingers curling around his.

"I love you too, egg." she replied. He just shook his head and laughed before leaning in and kissing her gently. She kissed back, putting her arm across him as she nibbled on his bottom lip. He pulled away from her, smiling as he rubbed her nose with his own.

"Come on, lets have some more cuddles." he smiled. She smiled back, laying back down properly and cuddling into him...


Later in the day, the two had gotten their clothes on and were now eating some of their left over pizza from the day before. They were feeding each other and giggling at the fact that Cheryl was having a diva moment.

"I'm not used to eating cold pizza; I need a microwave for God's sake." she giggled. Tre just rolled his eyes, laughing a bit.

"Look you little diva, go light one of those candles and hold your pizza over it so it'll warm up." he joked. Cheryl pouted and smacked his arm before feeding him another bit of pizza.

"You're horrible." she said, shuffling off of his knee. He kept his arm around her, stroking her side gently.

"You're so cute; I love that little pout you do." he said. She pouted cutely, holding her arms around his neck. He just laughed and shook his head before lightly pecking her pout. She smiled, then stole the bit of pizza out of his hand and popped it into her mouth.

"Nom nom nom." she giggled, making him burst out laughing.

"Silly girl." he laughed, tickling her gently...



Down the hall a bit, Lily and Garry were relaxing in their room. The holiday had been a bit strange so far; Garry had noticed that Lily had been acting funny but Lily kept insisting that it was nothing. Now they were sitting in silence; Lily was looking out the window and Garry was reading a book.

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