Chapter 75

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Part 75


*Few Days Later*

A few days had passed and now it was the 23rd of December. Cheryl and Tre had been up in Newcastle for a few days now and today was their last day, as they were leaving tonight. Today was the big dinner with all the family and everyone was excited. They would all be meeting at Joan's house and having the big dinner there.

"Cheryl; hurry-" Tre was about to say again until Cheryl wandered out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body. She raised an eyebrow at him and smirked, holding her towel closed and tapping her foot. He laughed, looking at her.

"You were taking ages." he said, shrugging as he stood up with his clothing in hand.

"I'm a girl; I'm supposed to take ages." she said, poking his bare chest with her finger. He rolled his eyes, tapping her bum.

"Whatever." he mumbled before going off into the en-suite, shutting the door behind him. Cheryl dropped the towel and slipped on her knickers and bra, before pulling on her outfit for the day; grey skinny jeans, a pink sweater with glittery white snow flakes on, and a pair of pink Uggs. She then sat down and blow dried her hair, humming quietly to herself as she did so. Once that was done, she started curling her hair. Just as she was doing that, Tre wandered out of the bathroom in just his boxers. Cheryl looked at him through the mirror, smirking.

"*Duck*'s sake." she muttered, licking her lips. He shot her a glance, raising an eyebrow which made her giggle. He then went and pulled on a pair of baggy dark blue jeans, a long-sleeved black shirt, and his tan Timbaland boots.

"Baby you look beautiful." he whispered before leaning down and kissing her cheek. She looked up at him, smiling.

"Thank you." she whispered back before pouting. He laughed a bit and pecked her pout before holding out his hand. Cheryl giggled and finished up with her hair quickly, then took his hand and stood up. He wrapped his arms around her waist, gazing at her. She didn't have on any make up but she still looked absolutely beautiful.

He lightly kissed her lips, making her smile. The two then held hands, interlocking fingers as they walked out of the room together. They went off downstairs, only to find Joan already making up the food for later. The dinner wasn't scheduled to start until three, and it was only nine in the morning now.

"Need some help, Joan?" Tre asked. Joan looked up, smiling back and shaking her head.

"Oh thank you Tre, but no thank you pet, I've got it. You two go out and get you some breakfast. I didn't make any today." she said before turning back around.

"Oh; alright then. Call us if you need us, alright mam?" Cheryl said. Joan nodded, giving her thumbs up before going back to preparing dishes. Cheryl and Tre exchanged a glance, then went off and grabbed their jackets. Cheryl then grabbed her purse and her phone before walking outside with Tre.

"Where to?" he asked, holding her hand. She pointed up the street.

"There's a cafe up the street there with really good breakfast.." he opened his mouth to speak but Cheryl cut him off, knowing what he was going to say, "And no it's not the restaurant I used to work at."

"How'd you know I was gonna ask that?" he asked as they started walking off down the street. Cheryl shrugged, giggling.

"My psychic instincts." she winked, making him laugh as they continued off down the road...


A bit later, the pair were at the cafe eating their breakfast; both eating the full English breakfast. They'd been having a pretty good time, laughing and joking, feeding each other, kissing; they were just a typical loved up couple. People had noticed them but decided to leave them alone so they could have some peace.

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