Chapter Ten

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"You're looking so damn good to me, under the sun!"

With that, Cheryl sat herself down on Tre's knee as the music ended. They'd just finished Under The Sun now, so Cheryl was sitting on Tre's knee and smiling at him, unable to tear her eyes away from his. He lightly tickled her side, causing her to set out the cutest giggle as she leaned over and kissed his nose. Beth was clapping as that rehearsal had gone great.

"Alright that was a good run through that one, but you know you can't kiss him on stage right?" she smirked. Cheryl gave her the evils before poking her tongue out, making the other dancers, including Tre, laugh at how cute she was.

"Yes Beth, I know I can't." she said, standing up from Tre's knee, her hand still on his shoulder. Beth just shrugged, laughing as she wandered over to look at the setlist. The dancers all stood up and Tre slipped his arms around Cheryl's waist, kissing her nose. She scrunched up her nose, giggling slightly as she draped her arms around his neck.

"You're so cute." she smiled, stroking his cheek. He smiled back at her, staring into her eyes.

"So are you." he winked before leaning in and pecking her lips. She giggled, pulling away slightly, just staring up at him, still smiling. He leaned in to kiss her again, when Beth shouted for them.

"Alright one more song, then lunch! Call My Name!" 

"Beth!" Lily shouted as a joke, making everyone in the studio cry with laughter. Beth just shook her head, laughing at Lily as well. Cheryl skipped over to her assistant, laughing as she hugged her tightly.

"Gosh I've taught you well!" she winked. Lily laughed as well, nodding.

"I only learned from the best." she winked back. Cheryl just rolled her eyes, still giggling as she made her way over to the dancers. The music began and Cheryl wrapped her head around it, then started dancing and singing...

'How'd you think I feel when you call my name, you got me confused by the way I changed, how'd you think I feel when you call my name, my name, say my name baby!'


Once the run through of that song was done, it was time for a lunch break. They all headed up to the roof to have the pizza they'd ordered, so once the slices were dished up, they all took a seat. Cheryl and Tre were sat off to the side, to have a bit of privacy. 

"So dinner tonight yeah? Where you gonna take me and Lils then?" she asked, giggling slightly as she looked up at him. He leaned down and pecked her lips before taking a bite of pizza.

"Um...well, wherever you two want." he replied, stroking her side. Cheryl shrugged as she took a bite of her own pizza.

"Me and Lils always go to Nobu, so shall we just go there?" she asked, smiling up at him. He nodded.

"Sure babes, we'll go there." he smiled back at her. She giggled, leaning in and pecking his lips. The two continued to eat their lunch together, laughing and giggling, flirting with each other just as they always did. Once they were finished eating, Tre warpped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap, making her smile as she cuddled up to him. 

"After we come back from dinner, can we just snuggle up and watch a film tonight?" she asked, drawing little circles on his chest with her finger. He nodded, kissing her forehead.

"Of course we can baby." he replied. She smiled, closing her eyes as she cuddled him tighter, breathing in his scent. She felt so safe in his arms, like there was no need to worry or anything. She trusted him more than she'd ever trusted anyone in her life, including Ashley. Now THAT was saying something.

"Tre." she spoke softly, looking up at him. He leaned down and pecked her lips, gently stroking her side. 

"What's up princess?" he asked. She bit her lip, then spoke up.

"I-I really love you." she smiled, going a bit shy. He laughed at how cute she was, poking her dimple. 

"I really love you too, silly girl." he winked. She giggled, going red. She loved that nickname. She loved being Tre's 'silly girl.'..


That night, Cheryl and Lily were back at their hotel, getting ready to go out to dinner for the night. Cheryl had told Lily all about it, so of course Lily was excited to go. She found it quite nice that Tre offered to buy them dinner. He was such a lovely guy, absolutely perfect for Cheryl.

"Lip gloss please?" Lily asked, wandering back into Cheryl's en suite bathroom and rummaging through her make up bag. Cheryl stopped straightening her hair and just looked up at her assistant, giggling slightly.

"I suggest you stop looking through my bags without asking first, or else you'll find something you don't really want to see." she said. Lily rolled her eyes, pulling out a set of keys; Cheryl's house keys. She looked over the different key chains; one from Florida, one from Vegas, one from France, and...ooh what was this? A topless picture of Tre?

"Like this?" she asked, waving it in her face. Cheryl's face went red and she snatched the set of keys from her assistant's hand, giving her the evils.

"Hey if your man was this hot, you'd walk around with this on your keys as well." she smirked, putting the keys into her little clutch bag. Lily rolled her eyes, giggling as she continued to rummage through the bag. She then pulled out tubes of both clear lip gloss and bright red strawberry flavored lip gloss.

"Which one should I wear?" she asked. Cheryl looked up, taking the red one from her hands. 

"That one, because I'm wearing this one. Tre will love it." she winked, putting the lip gloss down before continuing with her hair.

"Tre just loves you in general, lip gloss or no. He just loves you. Hell I think we all should've known it anyway though, judging by the way he stared at you during rehearsals from Promise This." Lily said, playfully nudging her friend before putting on some lip gloss. Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Will you stop with that theory that he liked he even then? It was two years ago, and he barely even knew me then so how could he like me?" she wondered, pouting as she concentrated on adjusting her side bangs. 'Time to pull out the gel.' she thought to herself.

"Love at first sight, duh. Gosh you're such a doughnut!" Lily groaned in mock annoyance, earning a slap on the arm from Cheryl. 

"Shut up! I don't think it was like that." she said, applying some gel to her side bangs that were heading down the side of her face. Lily just giggled, pressing her lips together before pouting in the mirror.

"Alright, whatever you say." she winked before wandering back off to her own room. Cheryl just rolled her eyes again and unplugged her straightener, then wandered off out into her bedroom. She stuck her tiny feet in her shiny black Louboutin heels. She then looked at herself in the mirror again, smoothing out her outfit; a short sleeveless v-neck pink dress with a black dress around the middle and her black heels. Her long brunette locks were flowing down her back and around her shoulders, and her side bangs were swept across the side of her forehead, going down the side of her face. Her eye shadow was smudged to give it that smokey effect, and of course she had on her bright red strawberry lip gloss. Now, she was ready to go. 

"Tre's here." Lily poked her head in. Cheryl nodded, grabbing her clutch and throwing her stuff into it before wandering out of the room. Tre had just stepped inside and Lily was shutting the door. 

"You both look great." Tre said. Lily thanked him then went off to grab her clutch while Cheryl went straight into Tre's arms. She rested her hands on his chest then leaned up, pecking his lips. 

"That was my thank you." she winked. He laughed, pecking her lips again.

"Hmm your lips taste nice." he said, going to kiss her again. 

"No, you're not gonna mess up this lip gloss anymore." she giggled, wiping her lip gloss from the corners of his mouth, before pulling the tube out and pulling out her compact mirror. She applied some more lip gloss, then slipped her stuff back into her clutch. Lily soon wandered out of her own room, ready to go. She was wearing a shiny grey dress and black heels, and her hair was in a neat bun. 

"Ready?" Tre asked them. They both nodded before all heading out of the room together...

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