Chapter 35

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"Well hello miss 'I can't text Lily back' and good morning Tre!"

Cheryl rolled her eyes, dropping her bag by the mirror while Tre just laughed and waved at Lily before going over to talk to Garry, Tyrell, and Dubz.

"You're so rude." Lily said, wandering up behind her boss and hugging her from behind. Cheryl just looked up, smirking.

"Speak to me properly and I might speak back." she said. Lily laughed, squeezing her tighter. 

"Good morning my beautiful bestie!" she said, making Cheryl laugh.

"Good morning bestie." she winked as Lily let her go. She then turned around, smiling as Lily smiled back.

"So how are you today?" she asked, draping her arm around her shoulders. Cheryl giggled a bit.

"Um, I'm fine...sore." she replied. Lily was confused.

"Sore? What are you doing sore?" she asked. 

"Last night, with a certain dancer." Cheryl replied, nodding her head slightly at Tre. He wasn't paying attention as he was talking to Garry, Tyrell, and Dubz.

"I don't....Oh!" Lily finally caught on. Cheryl nodded, sitting down against the mirror as Lily sat beside her. 

"How long did you go for?" she asked.

"Two rounds last night, then again in the shower this morning. I'm tiny and he's just...oh my gosh." Cheryl replied. Lily just laughed.

"It's a miracle that you can walk properly now." she joked before jumping up. 

"Lily!" Cheryl gasped, standing up as well, chasing Lily around the studio. Lily giggled and ran over to where the boys were, standing behind Garry.

"Your sister's about to hurt me." she said, still laughing as she looked at Cheryl, who was smirking.

"Garry, you know I wouldn't hurt a fly." she said, still looking at Lily. The boys just laughed, looking between them both.

"Lils, were you picking on her babe?" Garry asked. Lily pouted, shaking her head.

"I never pick on her." she said.

"Liar." Cheryl mumbled, wrapping her arm around Tre's waist.

"I'm sorry but you two are hilarious. How long have you known each other?" Tyrell asked.

"Seven years." the two girls answered together, laughing.

"And she's picked on me about a lot of things over the years." Cheryl added, winking at her friend. Lily winked back.

"So many memories." she said, making them all laugh. Soon enough, Beth and the other choreographer, Charm, shouted for them to begin. Everyone got into their positions and rehearsals began...


After two hours, it was time for a break. Everyone decided to go on the roof to chill out for a bit and to catch some rays of sun. Cheryl and Tre were standing off to the side, looking out over the city.

"Baby, we need to just chill tonight. No sex." she said as he stood behind her with his arms around her waist.

"Actually, no lie I was thinking the same thing. Shall I go to mine and you stay at the hotel?" he asked. Cheryl thought for a second. They had been rather inseparable lately so maybe they needed a bit to themselves.

"Yeah, that'll work. Hey go out with the boys or something." she suggested, looking up at him. He shrugged, pecking her lips. 

"Might do. They were talking about going for drinks or something." he said. Cheryl smiled before wriggling out of his arms and going to sit against the wall. Tre wandered over and sat down beside her, holding her hand. She smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder as they interlocked their fingers. For some reason, she felt like she was falling into one of those moods; the really down mood that comes after over-thinking. She has a lot on her mind.

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