Part 98

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Part 98


Later in the night, Lily had gone back to Tyrell's with him and Kaison, leaving Cheryl and Tre alone in the villa. Of course, the couple were more than happy to be alone as they had really missed each other. A whole month without each other was horrible and they weren't planning to be apart that long again for a while.

"I have really missed those lips, Miss Cole." he smirked as they lay down on the sofa together. Cheryl was laying back on the pillow and Tre was laying with his head on her chest. He kept leaning up and kissing her lips every few seconds, making her smile as she knew it was a matter of time before it went somewhere.

"I've missed yours too." she smirked, making him bite his lip before he leaned up again, kissing her gently. She stroked the back of his head, smiling against his lips as she felt him side his hands to her bum. She sat up slightly and pulled away, stroking his cheek.

"Wait here; I'll call you in, in just a second." she whispered. He nodded, kissing her lips before letting her go. She winked at him before going to her bedroom and shutting the door. She looked in the wardrobe and pulled out her black and white lace bra and knickers before going through to her en suite.

She changed into the sexy set she'd gotten from Victoria's Secret them months ago, then she put on some clear lip gloss and a bit of mascara before pulling her hair out of his bun. She let it flow down around her shoulders, then she sprayed on a bit of perfume before wandering out. She put her iPod on the dock and let the R&B songs play softly before going over and laying herself down on the bed on her side, letting her bra strap slide down her shoulder slightly and her hair fall over her shoulder. She couldn't wait to see his face when it came in.

"Tre; come here!" she called. Soon enough, the door opened and Tre gasped, seeing her laying there. It was almost like in his dream, except they were at her villa and not his place.

"Wow." he said, closing the door behind him before pulling his shirt over his head, revealing that perfectly sculpted body. Cheryl's eyes scanned over his body, taking in everything she'd missed in the last month.

"I want to make your dream a reality." she whispered, turning and laying on her back against the pillows as he made his way on top of her, trailing kisses from her stomach all the way up to her shoulder. He kissed her neck a couple times before moving up and kissing her lips, making her smile as they interlocked fingers. He broke from her lips and let go of her hands and pulled off his shorts before throwing them to the floor.

"And you've got music on? Check you out." he smirked, laying back over her. She giggled, running her hands up his chest before draping them around his neck.

"I've missed you so I had to make this special." she smiled. He smiled back.

"Being with you is special enough on its own." he said sincerely, making her smile again as she gently kissed his lips. He wrapped his arms around her, laying down so that his body was against hers. He slipped his hands behind her back and unclipped her bra before pulling away and letting her toss it aside. She pulled him back down so that his body was against hers, kissing him again as he tugged her knickers down. He pulled away enough to pull them down the rest of the way and tossed them aside before allowing her to help him out of his boxers. The two sank down under the covers, kissing again as their hands roamed. Cheryl pulled away and smiled up at him, interlocking her fingers with his as she listened to the soft R&B tunes that were playing; a Boys II Men song was on now.

"I love you." he whispered at her. She smiled and pecked his lips, squeezing his hands.

"I love you too; and now.." she draped her arms around his neck before continuing, "Make love to me just how I like it and don't let go until I tell you."

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