Chapter 62

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 Part 62


"Babe wait." 

Cheryl signed slightly as she sat back in the seat of her car. She and Tre had just pulled up at the hospital, but Tre wanted Cheryl to breathe first and calm down.

"I'm calm." she said, knowing what he was going to say.

"Please don't go in there and say anything crazy, okay." he said. She nodded, squeezing his hand before getting out of the car along with him. She locked up the car, then stuffed her keys into her pocket before taking Tre's hand, walking inside with him. They got inside and saw Lily's sisters, Rosie and Daisy, sitting around in the waiting room.

"You two heard anything?" she asked, hugging them both. They nodded slightly.

"Well she's awake and all that, calm.." Rosie started before trailing off.

"Ookay." Cheryl said, still staring at them both. 

"But, as soon as she was awake, she begged for us to call Garry because she wanted to talk to him and only him, and we called him and he showed up, and now they're in there talking." Daisy finally finished for her. Cheryl sighed slightly, sitting down in the chair. 

"Pretty sure she doesn't want to talk to me, after I blew up at her earlier." she shrugged slightly.

"You had a right to blow up at her; you were protecting your brother." Daisy said, sitting beside her. Cheryl just shrugged, playing with her and Tre's fingers that were on his knee. Soon enough, Garry wandered through to the waiting room.

"Is she okay?" Rosie asked. Garry nodded.

"She's alright; she wants to talk to you guys now." he replied, sitting down in the chair opposite Tre. Rosie and Daisy nodded before going off down the hall. Cheryl looked over at Garry.

"What happened then?" she asked. Garry shook his head, looking down.

"I don't even wanna talk about it; I'll let her tell you." he replied...


After about an hour, Cheryl told Tre to head on back to hers with Garry while she stayed and talked to Lily. He agreed and left out, leaving Cheryl to walk down the cold corridor alone. She slipped into Lily's room, seeing her friend laying there on the bed, staring off into space, looking sad and lonely. She closed the door then wandered over, sitting on the chair beside her bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked. Lily looked over, biting her lip before looking down again.

"I'm sorry." she spoke, no higher than a whisper. Cheryl took her hand, rubbing it gently with her thumb.

"Stop apologizing, babe; I'm more worried about your health and safety more than anything else now. What happened?" she asked. Lily sighed slightly, looking over at her. She bit her lip, tears slipping down her cheeks. Cheryl frowned sadly and got up onto the bed beside her, pulling her into a tight hug. Lily started crying some more, cuddling her tightly. Cheryl stroked her hair, lightly kissing her head a few times.

"Shh, don't cry." she said. The two stayed like that for a little while later, before Lily finally calmed down enough to tell her what had happened.

"I..I went to a club. I just needed a drink, something to make the pain I was feeling inside go away. I had a few too many, was a bit drunk and was just dancing away with people, and this guy came up to me and was chatting to me, calling me cute and all that. Well, then he went in to kiss me but I brushed away, and told him that I didn't want all that then I walked away. Well after a bit, I was sort of stumbling to the toilets and he followed me, and he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, and..." she swallowed hard, struggling to get it out..

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