Part 100

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Part 100


*Couple Days Later*

A couple days had passed and now today was the day the couple were leaving for their little holiday to Bora Bora. Lily, Tyrell, and Kaison were gonna be looking after the Villa while they were gone then she was heading back to the UK with Tyrell while Cheryl and Tre flew straight down to Orlando after their holiday, seeing as he had workshops to do. After the Sunday session, they were flying up to New York as that's where his next workshops were but also so they could spend their anniversary together.

"Alright flowerpot, behave yourself and stay out of my room." Cheryl said as she hugged Lily tight. Lily giggled, hugging her back.

"I'm staying out of it chill; Kai can have Garry's room." she giggled. Cheryl saluted her before giving Tyrell a hug, then fist bumping Kaison.

"You make sure your daddy and Lily don't tear my villa apart; look out for them okay." she said. Kaison nodded, saluting her.

"I'll look after them, Cheryl. You look after Tre." he said. Cheryl nodded, pouting and saluting him.

"Yes sir, Soldier Kaison." she smirked, making the little boy giggle as he danced around in his t-shirt from the A Million Lights tour that Tyrell had brought back with him. Tre soon came back through, wrapping his arm around Cheryl.

"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded, kissing his cheek before picking up her bag. After saying goodbye again, she and Tre left out..


*Hours Later*

Hours had passed and now they'd just touched down in Bora Bora. Once they got the all clear, Tre and Cheryl stood up along with the other passengers before getting their carry-on bags and exiting the plane. Cheryl had changed into something cooler; a bright pink vest top, a pair of white shorts and white flip-flops. Tre had changed into a pair of cargo shorts, a t-shirt and flip-flops as well.

"Fuckin' hell it's boiling!" she moaned, making Tre laugh as he led her over to the baggage claim.

"You have such a potty mouth; my God." he laughed, causing her to bite her lip.

"The heat just shocked me." she giggled, watching him grab their cases. She went to take hers but he stopped her.

"I got it baby; you're not lifting a finger." he winked, making her giggle cutely as she gently kissed his cheek.

"Is this part of my being 'treated like a princess' then?" she asked. He nodded, leading her out to their waiting car.

"You're a princess; my princess, and you're being treated like one." he smirked, which led to her rolling her eyes. Once he'd gotten the bags into the boot, he opened the door for her, making her smile cutely as she slid into the backseat first. He then joined her before telling the driver where to go.

"This is so lovely; I can't wait to just lay around on the beach, drink some cocktails and just be with my man. Me and you, no paparazzi, no Lily, no-" she was saying, but he finished.

"No distractions." he smirked, making her pout cutely before she leaned in, kissing him gently. He squeezed her gently before opening his mouth slightly, allowing her to push her tongue into his mouth slowly. She placed her hands on the back of his head as she stroked his tongue with her own, making him smile as he gently rubbed her thigh with his thumb. They were barely aware of anything; they were just glad to be together with no distractions.

After a few seconds, the couple pulled away from each other, keeping their faces close as they smiled widely at each other. Tre tucked some of Cheryl's hair behind her ear before softly kissing her forehead, causing her to giggle cutely. She reached up and ran her finger down his nose, then gently pecked his lips before pulling away and just holding his hand on his knee.

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