Part 107

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Part 107


It was dark out when Cheryl and Tre returned to the house. Leslie and Shirley had to go to the church for a meeting so Cheryl and Tre were alone in the house for a while, seeing as the meetings tended to take a couple of hours. Once inside, Tre flopped down on the sofa and put his feet up, making Cheryl giggle as she looked at him.

"Are you alright?" she asked. He nodded, smiling back at her.

"Well let's see; I'm with my dope girlfriend on our anniversary and my sister's just had a baby, I'm actually pretty great." he chuckled, making Cheryl giggle as she snuggled into his side. They sat in silence for a bit, just playing with each other's fingers and watching TV until Tre spoke up again.

"Come on, seeing as it is still our anniversary I'm taking you out for dinner." he said, standing up with her. She frowned slightly, holding his hand as they walked towards the stairs.

"But I didn't bring any dressy clothes." she pouted.

"Hey who said you had to dress up? We'll have a proper date later but I still want to take you out now seeing as it is our anniversary. How do you feel about a cheesy American like date?" he asked as they reached his room and shut the door behind him.

"Ooh I feel great about a cheesy American date! Where we gonna go?" she asked as she pulled out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black vest top with a heart shaped American flag on the front.

"Hmm, have you ever been to Dave and Busters before?" he asked. Cheryl shook her head, pouting slightly.

"No, what's that?" she asked as she changed clothes. Tre playfully gasped as he changed into some baggy jeans and a black t-shirt.

"You've never even heard of it? Oh you'll have so much fun because you're a big kid. It's like an arcade for adults. We can eat some food and then play as many games as possible. I already have a rewards card from the last time I was here because me and Tabs went, but I'll get you one. Do you want to go?" he asked, chuckling a bit as he watched her looking up the place on her phone. Her face lit up when she saw it and she nodded eagerly, clapping her hands like an excited child.

"Come on hurry up and finish getting ready so we can go." she smiled, making Tre laugh as he pulled on his black and white Jordans. Cheryl pulled on her black moccasin boots before brushing her hair back into a ponytail. She put on some lip gloss and a bit of mascara before pulling on her sleeveless denim jacket. Tre pulled on his denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up and put his black and white NJ snapback onto his head before grabbing his phone and wallet. Cheryl grabbed her own phone then followed him downstairs.

"Alright let's bounce!" he said, making her giggle as they wandered out of the house...


About half an hour later, they were down in Philadelphia and had just pulled up at the trendy Franklin Mills mall. Once Tre had parked the car, he got out first then helped Cheryl out. He locked up the car then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, making her smile as she reached up and laced her fingers through his.

"Let's take a load of pictures while we're here so we can show Tabs and make her jealous." Tre smirked, making Cheryl giggle as they wandered into the mall.

"Babe that's awful, don't do that to her." she said, looking up at him. He shrugged, smiling as they walked through the mall. Cheryl felt amazing as she walked through, loving the freedom she always experienced when she was in America. She didn't have anyone looking at her and whispering; people just figured that they were a normal couple and were giving them friendly smiles as they walked past.

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