Part 82

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Part 82


Later that night, Cheryl and Tre were going out for dinner. Cheryl was wearing a tight sleeveless dress that stopped just below the tattoo on her thigh, black tights and black studded Louboutins. Tre was wearing a pair black trousers, black dress shoes, a grey button down shirt and a black jacket. Cheryl finished applying her lip gloss, then pouted in the mirror. She turned to Tre, smiling.

"Do I look okay?" she asked. She also had her hair flowing down her back and around her shoulders.

"You don't even need you ask; damn my silly girl is beautiful." he said. She giggled, lightly kissing his cheek before wiping the lip gloss off.

"Alright; let's bounce! I'm starving." she giggled, grabbing her little clutch purse and her leather jacket. Tre helped her into her jacket then led her downstairs. Shirley, Leslie, and Tabby were all in the living room.

"Damn; Cheryl you flawless human being!" Tabby said, her eyes widening. Cheryl laughed, shaking her head as Shirley and Leslie watched Tabby's face.

"Alright Tabs, can you not drool over her?" Tre said, getting his wallet and his keys. Tabby laughed a bit, biting her lip.

"I'm sorry but I only ever see her looking so flawless in pictures online and this blew me away.." she looked at Cheryl. "Can you give a sista some beauty secrets?"

"I got ya when we get back." Cheryl replied, winking. Tabby nodded, giving her a high five.

"Ah my boy; so handsome. Haven't a clue who you got it from but you are a handsome one, and Cheryl you look beautiful. God you kids; beautiful." Shirley said.

"You are beautiful, kids; Cheryl you might have to give me some beauty secrets too." Leslie said.

"Use L'Oreal; because you're worth it." Cheryl winked, making them all laugh.

"She freaking said it!" Tabby said, standing up and hugging her. They were all still laughing as Cheryl hugged her back and kissed her cheek.

"Alright we best get going." she said.

"Yeah; you guys please don't fangirl over Chez too much while we're gone." Tre added as they laughed again. After a quick wave, he and Cheryl headed out...


"So where are we eating?" Cheryl asked. They had been riding around for half an hour and Tre wouldn't tell her where he'd booked their reservations for.

"Almost there." he said, glancing over at her. She smiled, reaching over and stroking his cheek. She then leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. He reached over and squeezed her knee, smiling back. Soon enough he pulled up at a fancy Italian restaurant. Cheryl looked out the window and gasped; it looked lovely.

"Wow; this looks lovely babes." she grinned excitedly, looking back at him. He smiled, getting out of the car and going round and helping her out. He then locked up the car and went off inside. The host greeted them at the front.

"Hi; how can I help you?" she smiled.

"Reservations under Holloway." Tre replied, interlocking his fingers with Cheryl's. The host smiled as she checked his name off.

"Right this way Mr. Holloway." she said. She led them to a table away from the windows with comfy seats so that they could sit next to each other.

"Your wine will be right out." she said. Tre thanked her and sat down with Cheryl. He wrapped his arm around her waist, making her smile.

"This is beautiful, baby." she said. He smiled, lightly kissing her nose.

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