Part 111

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Part 111


Later in the night, Cheryl and Tre were cuddled up on the sofa, watching a film. Lily had gone to Tyrell's for the evening and Alison and Garry were out, leaving the loved up couple alone. Tre was sitting between Cheryl's legs with his back resting against her and his head up on her shoulder while she had her arms around him, resting her tiny hands on his chest as he held her hands.

"Babe; do you want to hit the club for your birthday?" Tre asked, looking up at her as she was flicking through the TV. She shook her head, pouting her lips together. She genuinely didn't feel like going clubbing for her birthday, but she still wanted to have a pool party.

"Hey babe, text Ty and tell him that he can bring Kaison to the pool party. We're gonna have something to eat and there will be non alcoholic drinks so it'll be good and he can play in the pool and stuff so it'll be cool." she said. He smiled and nodded before pulling out his phone and dropping a text to Tyrell while Cheryl kept flipping through channels. She found Ghost and settled on that before looking down at Tre, smiling down at him while he was smiling back. She giggled to herself before stroking her finger down his nose, then she gently kissed him before pulling away and squeezing his chin. He laughed a bit before tapping her nose then lightly kissing her jawline.

"I love you, silly girl." he smiled. She smiled back, her dimples lighting up her face.

"I love you too, baby; now fancy giving me a hint about this present?" she raised an eyebrow. He pouted his lips, shaking his head.

"No chance cheeky chops; you're waiting a couple more days." he winked, making her groan as she pouted like a moody child. The couple then continued messing around, with Tre managing to make the dimples reappear by bursting into song; singing Love Someone by Ashley Tisdale.

"Sure there isn't something you want to tell me? A bit gay or what?" she smirked. He ignored her, though he smirked a bit as be carried on singing...

'How do you love someone

And make it last

How do you love someone

Without trippin' on the past

So far in my life

Clouds have blocked the sun

How do you love

How do you love someone'

Cheryl was in hysterics as Tre just sang louder, obviously doing this just to make her laugh. The couple were still messing around singing as Alison and Garry walked back in.

"Oh god Ali we're leaving; they're singing." Garry groaned while Alison just collapsed into hysterics as the couple looked up, singing through their giggles.

"Baby they're funny." Alison was giggling away as the couple had moved on to screaming out the chorus to F16 by Colette Carr.

"Come on Garry; you know you wanna sing too." Cheryl giggled before carrying on with Tre.

'With your F16 flying over me

Dropping every bomb like a masterpiece

With your F16 flying over me

Laying it out like a casualty

You can take away almost everything

But you'll never take away my heart'

"*Duck*'s sake!" Garry groaned, retreating to his room while Alison followed, still giggling as she waved 'goodnight' to the couple while Cheryl and Tre collapsed into hysterics, crying with laughter.

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