Chapter 54

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Part 54


*Hours Later*

Hours had passed and now they were back in London. Cheryl had literally slept during the entire ride down. She hasn't even stirred when Tre moved so that she could lay down properly; she'd just curled up and kept sleeping. They'd woken her up because she had to get into her car and go back to her house. Once she'd gotten there, she threw her case into her bedroom and took another shower, then dressed in a pair of printed leggings, a black vest top, heels and a blue jacket. She brushed her hair out and put on a bit of make-up, already dreading the day. Not only did she have this press conference, but she had a performance straight after for 'Stand Up To Cancer'. It was for a good cause so of course she was glad to do it, but at the same time she was just plain out exhausted.

"Ready, Chez?" Garry asked. Cheryl nodded, putting on her oversized sunglasses.

"Aye." she replied, getting a bottle of water. She then went off downstairs with him and straight outside to the car. Lily was already waiting.

"You alright then?" she asked. Cheryl shook her head.

"I feel like sh!t! Why did I drink so much last night?" she asked, leaning her head against the window. Her head was still pounding.

"After the performance tonight, you can sleep for as long as you like." Lily said. Cheryl nodded, closing her eyes, drifting off into a light sleep.

Soon enough, they pulled up at the back entrance of the hotel where the press conference was being held. Cheryl felt the car stop and opened her eyes, looking around.

"sh!t." she mumbled. They got out of the car and went inside. Hilary met her at the door.

"Oh my God, Cheryl!" she said, hugging her. Cheryl shut her eyes tight, hugging her back a little bit.

"Hi." she said. Hilary pulled back, holding her arms.

"You alright?" she asked. Cheryl shrugged.

"I'm hungover." she replied, letting go of her. She went on to the room where the other girls were. They saw her and started squealing.





Cheryl covered her ears, plonking down onto the sofa.

"Girls please, don't." she said, holding her head and closing her eyes. She felt a hand on her back so she looked up; Kimberley.

"You okay?" she asked.

"The after tour party, drank too much, not enough sleep; it's all running together and I'm crashing. I'm exhausted and hungover." she explained.

"Ooh, we thought Tre had done something." Sarah laughed a bit, making the others laughed. Cheryl scowled slightly, pulling out her phone. She had a text waiting; 'Tre'

<<Tre: Rehearsals aren't the same without you :/ Good luck with the press conference though! We're gonna watch. Love you silly girl xxxx>>

Cheryl couldn't help but smile slightly. No matter what, Tre always put a smile on her face.

<<Cheryl: Aw baby :/ Trust me I wouldn't be much entertainment in rehearsal. I need sleep Ooh I do feel a bit better though, since you're watching Love you sexy boy xxxx>>

"So Chezza, what you doing tonight then?" Sarah asked, making her look up.

"Performance tonight, then I'm sleeping. I hope Tre knows that he's looking after me." she said, looking at her phone as another text from Tre popped up.

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