Chapter 80

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Part 80


Later that night, Cheryl and Tre were helping Shirley clean up while the family went to the guest rooms for the night. Tabby had gone upstairs because the baby was making her tired. Leslie wandered back through to the kitchen with the cake in her arms.

"Shirls, been a good night but I'm tired baby, so goodnight." she said. Shirley looked up from the dishes and smiled.

"Alright mom, goodnight." she said. Leslie smiled then hugged Cheryl and Tre.

"Goodnight kids." she said.

"Goodnight." the couple said together. Leslie smiled and headed off upstairs while Cheryl and Tre continued to help Shirley.

"Shirley, do you want help with the dishes?" Cheryl asked, glancing over at Tre who was tying up the full garbage bags.

"Oh I've got it, sweetheart, but thank you. Just about done now. I think we've cleaned everything up. You can go take the mistletoe down though, if you like." she winked. Cheryl giggled, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm thinking you put it there on purpose for me and your son to stand under." she winked back. Shirley shrugged, whistling innocently as she went back to washing the last of the dishes. Cheryl just shook her head and giggled, going to take down the mistletoe. However, she stopped when she felt a pair of arms slip around her waist. She looked, seeing Tre smiling at her.

"Big head." she giggled, nudging him in the stomach. He laughed, kissing the side of neck.

"Punk." he smirked. She giggled, taking the mistletoe down and hitting him on the nose with it. She then pecked his lips before wriggling out of his arms and putting it aside. She then let out a yawn, pouting cutely.

"I'm tired." she said. He stuck his lower lip out, tapping her nose.

"Come on; let's go up and rest. It's been a long day." he said. She nodded, holding his hand as they wandered through to the kitchen. After a goodnight to Shirley, the pair went upstairs. Tre shut the door behind them, then stripped to his boxers. Cheryl changed into a short, thin cotton nightie then the pair climbed into bed. Tre almost instantly pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. She giggled against his lips, stroking his tongue with her own as he rolled them over so that he was on top.

"I thought you were tired?" he raised an eyebrow as he realized she wasn't stopping him. She smiled cheekily.

"Hm; I was until you kissed me. My energy levels are back up now." she winked, making him laugh. He got up and locked the door then joined her in bed again. The two helped each other undress, then they kissed again.

"Hm; my other present eh?" she asked, smirking. He nodded, kissing her nose.

"Obviously." he winked before kissing her again. He pushed into her, making her gasp as she wrapped her legs around him. He moved gently, making her gasp as she scratched her nails down his back.

"This is nice." she whispered as she looked up at him. He smiled, kissing her head.

"It is, babe." he replied. He then kissed her again as he continued to move with her. She bit her lip, holding onto his shoulders and looking up at him. He smiled down at her before kissing her gently, making her smile against his lips as they carried on...


Cheryl woke up later in the night, hearing some shuffling around outside the door. She frowned slightly and cuddled into Tre a bit more. He felt her move and tightened his grip on her, stroking her back. Whoever was outside their door was still shuffling around and Tre heard them.

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